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essay polishing and refinement
  • 修改文章架构、逻辑表达和引用格式,提升文章可读性

  • 纠正文章中所有拼写、语法、标点和用词错误

  • 文中增加批注,对意思模糊、有歧义的部分提供修改建议

  • 帮助你提升写作水平,写出更地道、更专业的文章

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Comparison of essay polishing and refinement before and after
Before essay refinement

Before taking the writing course, I’ve only touched the TOEFL writing which belongs to the argumentative writing all the time. Varying from 131 writing to TOEFL, more complex claim might be required, which plays one of the most important role on developing a paper. Besides, knowing the audience spares no effort to establish successful and complete writing. Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in our writing for specific is important as well. Embracing an outperf quarter. Before taking the writing course, I’ve only touched the TOEFL writing which belongs to the argumentative writing all the time. Varying from 131 writing to TOEFL, more complex claim might be required, which plays one of the most important role on developing a paper. Besides, knowing the audience spares no effort to establish successful and complete writing. Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in our writing for specific is important as well. Embracing an outperf quarter.


Before taking the writing course, I only touched the TOEFL writing course that frequently took advantage of argumentative writing assignments. When I compare English 131 writing to TOEFL style assignments, more complex claims might be required, which play one of the most important roles in developing a paper. I have also realized that my writing should be succinct and complete no matter what kind of audience is reading my papers. Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in my writing for specific purposes are important as well. Before taking the writing course, I only touched the TOEFL writing course that frequently took advantage of argumentative writing assignments. When I compare English 131 writing to TOEFL style assignments, more complex claims might be required, which play one of the most important roles in developing a paper. I have also realized that my writing should be succinct and complete no matter what kind of audience is reading my papers. Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in my writing for specific purposes are important as well.

  • 边看边学
    修改完的文章语言通顺, 逻辑流畅. 导师还会贴心地告诉你修改的原因, 帮助你提高英语写作能力.

    Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in my writing for specific purposes are important as well. Embracing my goal of successfully completing this course, I have written four short assignments and two major assignments using different writing skills. show that I have successfully met the goal of the course.

  • 授人以渔

    Aside from that, deciding the appropriate style, tone and conventions to use in my writing for specific purposes are important as well. Embracing my goal of successfully completing this course, I have written four short assignments and two major assignments using different writing skills. show that I have successfully met the goal of the course.

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    原创保证,送Turnitin检测, 专业靠谱

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    准时交付,24/7接收订单, 最快12小时完成

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    放心安全,多重审核,确保 万无一失

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Why is essay writing and polishing necessary?
  • 学了这么多年的英文,英语阅读还是龟速? 硬着头皮读完,还要写一篇Summary?

  • 别人都在放假, 只有你还在上网课? 网课其实并不轻松。 不仅需要每周完成任务, 还要参与Discussion。

  • 吾日三省吾身, 实习或者学期结束的时候, 通常都会有Reflection的作业。 道理我都懂,可是内心几乎是崩溃的。

  • 欣赏完“高大上”的艺术杰作, 如何写一篇Response? 除了Beautiful,想不出更高级的形容词? 除了“震惊了”,得不出更深刻的感悟?

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