In this group project, students should develop a web analytics project from scratch. You need to collect data and analyze them to answer your research question(s) and explore the data based on the research questions you have. The typical research questions for web-analytics could be:
• What factors contribute to churn rate after the initial registration?
• How effective are the referral programs and promotional discounts in maintaining e-customer engagement?
For topic selection, you can select and then duplicate the case shown in the sample paper. You can also create your own report.
• Total Page Length: 21 – 25 pages
• Spacing: Single Spacing
• Font Size: 12
• Margin: 2.54 cm per Side
• Same as the research proposal, please use the APA standards for tables, figures, and references.
• We do not offer any template this time but show you some great examples in practice.
Team Formation
Work in a team of 3-4 members.
• Form the team ASAP (hopefully today) on iSpace
• Select a leader or a representation for your team
• By week 2.
Deadline: End of Week 13
Submission: via TURNITIN ispace folder; One submission per group
Core Content:
1. Problem Development and Objectives
o The background of the problem has been adequately explained.
o Objectives are clearly stated.
o The theoretical foundation for your studies.
o The relevance of the literature reviewed has been clearly explained
2. Methodology and Analysis Procedures and Findings
o The subjects to be studied are specified.
o The procedures have been adequately defined and justified.
o The data collection and analysis are appropriate.
o The procedures have been used correctly to analyse the data.
o The results of the analysis have been stated clearly.
3. Discussion and Recommendations
o The findings have been properly interpreted.
o The limitations of the study have been clearly stated.
o The recommendations are related to real business practice and reflect the findings.
o The conclusions present an overall synthesis of the results.