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CSC8016 virtual shopping system
• In a realistic example, communications happen between processes via UDP messages. In this
module, we don’t require that. We can freely assume that each client (Physical person buying
items in the show using the mobile app, OnLine Shopper) is mimicked by one single thread. We
assume they directly exploit such an interface (no FrontEnd is required!)
1• If the RainforestShop is implemented as a server, such a thread might receive the “client mes
sages” through shared variables.
• The RainforestShop already comes with a Transaction class keeping track of the transactions
that are performed for handling basketing operations. You are not required to tolerate the
server crash (this is more of a back-up task rather than a concurrent programming one), but
you must correcly handle client log outs (withdrawn items from the shelves after log-out should
be automatically re-shelved with a cookie-free assumption, where the basket is not “rembered”
after re-logging in)!
• We assume that the RainforestShop class is initialized with the users allowed to shop using
the mobile app or OnLine website (Collection<String> client_ids), the association between
the name of the product (String), its cost (Double) and a non-zero Integer number of avail
able items to purchase (Map<String, Pair<Double, Integer» available_products). The stu
dents are encouraged to change the studentId so to return their student ID, as well as setting
isGlobalLock to true if the students use a pessimistic protocol, and false otherwise. in The
system should not allow to register/unroll new users/shoppers.
• The server should allow a single user contemporarily loggin in with the same username as far
as different transaction IDs are given to distinguish different concurrent operations. In order
to maximise seriality and concurrency requirements, the students might investigate optimistic
protocols for transactions, but this is not strictly required.
• A solution might be deemed incorrect for the following reasons:
1. Products that were originally basketed cannot be bought any more (e.g., both users at
tempted to basket a product but only one of them was able to buy it).
2. The same product name with the same product id cannot be bought multiple times.
3. Somehow, the computations are “logically” correct with single-threaded scenarios, that is
basket, reshelf, checkout, and logout implement the expected semantics. Still, this is not
sufficient for passing the coursework with full marks.
The marking scheme is capped at 100%.
• Single-Thread Correctness [+52%]
+4%: I cannot open a transaction if the user does not appear in the users’ collection.
■ (You) cannot login (and therefore, start a transaction) if a user is not listed (no user
appearing in the initial RainforestShop collection).
■ Cannot login (and therefore, start a transaction) if a user is not listed (User not appearing
in the RainforestShop collection).
+3%: I can always open a transaction if the user, on the other hand, appears on the users’
+7%: I cannot log-out multiple times using the same transaction, but it should be possible to
re-log in, and the novel transaction shall have a different id.
■ Can immediately log-out after logging in on the same transaction.
■ Logging out multiple times on the same transaction is not permitted (returns false).
■ The same user can open multiple transactions (not necessarily being contemporarily
■ Each transaction opened by the user should come with a distinct transaction id.
+7%: I must neither basket nor purchase unavailable products.
■ Cannot basket items when the map is empty.
■ Cannot basket items not listed in the map.
■ Cannot basket more items than specified in the map.
■ Can basket available products.
■ Can shelf previously-basketed products.
■ Can re-basket a product that was previously shelved.
■ After the last point, I cannot re-basket the same item another time.
3+3%: Logging out automatically re-shelves all the remaining product non-purchased in the
basket, and therefore it shall be possible to re-basket the products.
Logging out should also automatically disable all the remaining operations available
through the transaction (mainly basketProduct, shelfProduct, and basketCheckout).
Correctly purchasing the available items (single-threaded).
■ It should be possible to basket checkout when the basket is empty, with any given
amount of money
■ After successfully purchasing one item, the checkout returns the correct information.
■ After successfully purchasing two items, the checkout returns the correct information.
■ When attempting to purchase three items where only two are available, the checkout
correctly purchases two items.
+5%: Correctly shelving the products.
■ Cannot shelf a product that did not originally exist.
■ Cannot shelf a product that was not basketed (empty basket).
■ Cannot shelf a product that was not basketed (non-empty basket).
■ Can shelf a product that was originally basketed.
• Multi-Threaded Correctness [+38%]
+6%: The same user can log-in multiple times.
■ The same user can open multiple transactions (contemporarily open).
Two threads shall never be able (in any possible run) to contemporary access to the same
object on the shelf.
A client running without a supplier shall always dispose the available resources.
■ In particular, a ClientLifecycle should be able to buy all the available elements if
given an adequate amount of money.
Correct Client/Shop/Supplier interaction. This might be tested with at least one
ClientLifecycle and one SupplierLifecycle running.
■ The supplier shall not be triggered if the products are basketed but not bought (as they
can be later on re-shelved).
■ The supplier shall be triggered when a shelf for a given product is emptied.
■ After refurbishment, a client shall be able to buy at least one more product.
Correct Client/Client interaction (two distinct users and two transactions from the
same user).
■ The clients bought the maximum number of available items.
■ The clients bought 3 distinct items.
■ The clients cannot contemporarily buy the same item.
Correct Supplier Stopping.
4■ The supplier is stopped by receiving a @stop! message only when the stopSupplier
method is invoked.
■ Currency is handled correctly.
• Advanced Features
■ [+5%] The RainforestShop is emulated realistically as a separate thread.
■ [+1%] The code exploits Java’s concurrent collections.
■ [+1%] The program allows to visually determine the correctness of the operations per
formed by the threads (e.g., terminal prints or graphical user interfaces).
■ [+1%] The student correctly uses ReentrantLocks and Conditions.
■ [+2%] The student correctly exploits semaphores.
■ [+2%] The student exploited the optimistic transaction principle, where multiple users can
log-in (not only the same user multiple times!).
■ [+2%] Usage of monitors or multithreaded producers and consumers on the interaction
with the supplier (semaphores might be also exploited).
■ [+3%] Thread pools are used to handle multiple requests from multiple users.
■ [+3%] Any Java library imported via pom.xml ‘not violating the 3rd Submission Require