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Gwendelivery data fora couplo hours in tho Bay Aroa in 2015.writea solworthat assignsdoiveriosto dashers to maxmize the average dellveries/hour across dashers,with a target level of service of awernge delvery
duration beng<45 mnutes.The deliverables we'd like are:
For your soluton.theaverage delverieshour acrossalldashers and awerage dellvery duration across
alldeliverios.Noto thatyour solution mus take<1 minuto to nun.
A list of assumptions made,beyond the ones descibedbelow.
Your code/process iself.Please make this radable /understandable,as we wl berevewing it too. ·Acswfile for your solution output (seofie"Ouput for DoorDash take home pdf for more dotails)
·Deliver ID:Uniqueidentiher for adellvery in the DoorDashsystem
·Created at The datetime whenthe order was submitted into the syslem.Notethat imes are glven in UTC.
·Food ready time:.The datetme at which thetood was ready to be picked up.Note that times are gven in UTC.
· Region ID:We splt up DoorDash intovarlous reglons,e g.Palo Aio,Mountan Mew.ete The region
ID iells to which region a delivery belongs:you can usethisif you'd likein yoursoluion,but not
Pickup lat Latude of the pickuplocation for thedelivery (the restaurant)
Pickup long Longlude of the pickup location for the delivery(the restaurant)
Dropoff lat: Latude of he dropofflocation for the delivery (the consumers address)
Dropoff long:Longtude of the dropofflocation for the delivery the consumers address)
·Delvery duration for a delwery=(timethe delvery is dropped off)-(delivery created_at).Average ·
delivery duration =sumidelivery duration for each deliveny)/(0otal i of delis)
service of<45min appies to the averago deliery duration.
Average deliverieshour =(lotal deliveries deivered)/sum(time spent on each route)
·A roule'is the sequence of pickups and drop-ofls given to a pariculardasher.For example.Pickup
Deivery 1.Dropoff Deivery i.Pickup Deivery 2.Dropoff Delivery 2]is anexampleof aroute,and the · total tme for the route is(Time of lastdropoffl-Time when the dasher started the route)
·(·)Just to be expleit deliveries need to be pickedup belore theycan be dropped off.
Assume there areno capacily constraints fordashers.
·Assume that we dont have to wory about the dashers originalocalions (ie.they can start at the kocation of thestore wherethey have thei first pickup)
Assume food is ready for a given deliveryat delivery.food_ready_time,no earfier.
·Donit worry about the stochastic element presentin the real-world problem,ie.you can assume that
you know about al dellverles from the very beghning.
Bonus question :Can you solve the problem using fewer than 50 dashers?Note that this is not requlred for submission
Outputfor DoorDash Take-home
The results should be acsv withthefollowing columns: 1.Route ID
2.Route Poin Index(starts with 0,increment by1 for every addlional routepoint) 3.Dellvery iD
4.Route Point Type(Pickup or Dropoff)
5.Route Point Time in unix time (number of seconds that have elapsed since00:00:00 Thursday.
1 January 1970,UTC).The time that thedasher finishes pickup or dropoff.
Hereis a sample:
Route ID,Route Point Index,Delivery ID,Route Point Type,Route Point Time
0.0,18,Pickup,1567546083 0,1,18,Dropoff,1567546183 0.2,25,Pickup,1567546283 0.,3,34,Pickup,1567546383 0,4,25,Dropoff,1567546483 0.5,34,Dropoff,1567546583 1,0,164,Pickup,1567546683 1,1,153,Pickup,1567546783 1,2,164,Dropoff,1567546883 1,3,153,Dropof,1567546983