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Our user experiences with digital products are affected by many factors. So, if we wish to design digital solutions that can potentially offer more desirable user experiences, we must first understand what these factors are and how they affect our user experience.
In this assignment, you will submit two (2) journal entries. Each journal entry will focus on your use of a prescribed digital product in a real-life activity. Your task is to document and later, reflect and analyse your interactions as well as experiences with each digital product. Each journal entry will assess your ability to:
• clearly and thoroughly identify the different factors involved in the interaction
• explain how and why each factor are involved in shaping your overall user experience
The assignment assesses the student’s ability to:
1. Identify the factors involved and explain how they affect the unfolding experience
2. Describe the unfolding experience holistically
3. Identify and describe the quality of the experience
Complete two journal entries using the template provided. The template is created to guide you in your description and analysis of the unfolding user experience.
A. Journal 1: Using Miro to create a Persona
Background: this journal requires you to report and reflect on your user experience of using a digital product that you are somewhat familiar with
i. The interaction: Creating a Persona using Miro (@ miro.com)
You interviewed of some of your fellow students in Tutorial Week 1 and Week 2.
You were asked to create a Persona based on each of your interview data. Now, for this assignment,choose one set of interview data and create a Persona using Miro.
i. Advice: You should pre-prepare the relevant information required for the Persona before starting the activity for this journal (i.e. before you start creating your
Persona on Miro)
ii. The task: Document your interactions and experiences of using Miro to create
your Persona onto the journal template. Attach the Persona to the journal entry for your submission.
iii. Submission date: before your tutorial on Week 4
B. Journal 2: Conducting a team meeting using Zoom
Background: this journal requires you to report/reflect on your user experience of a digital product that you are familiar with but involves a strong social aspect
i. The interaction
Make a video call with your camera on with a group of your classmates (at least 2 others) from this subject using Zoom. The aim of the callisto share and learn about each other’s commuting experiences or to share your current design ideas. Everyone must also take turns to use share screen to share experiences/ideas. Make sure that one person in the meeting is recording the meeting and that the recording is shared with each other after the meeting.
ii. Requirement: You must switch on the camera during the meeting. You must also use the share screen function. You must record the meeting. When using the template, the ‘technology’ will include all the features involved during the call.
iii. Advice: Discuss with your teammates which team meeting you will use to
document this activity. Select one person as the host who creates and shares the zoom link with the others. The host is most likely the person recording the meeting.
iv. The task: Document your interactions and experiences onto the journal template. Individuals must provide the link to the meeting’s recording
v. Submission date: before your tutorial on Week 7