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Problem 1: Parsing the Data
We have added two .csv data files to the data/ directory to be parsed by your application: RPI map data Nodes .csv and RPI map data Edges .csv. The .csv files are comma-separated value files that can be opened in any text editor, just like courses .csv. Their format is described in more detail below.
As usual, your program should look for files using filenames in your data/ directory e.g., data/RPI map data Edges .csv.
You will write a parser to load the data from these files into memory. You may use ProfessorParser.java as a general example of how to read and parse a file, keeping in mind that the new data files are
structured differently from the RPI Courses data file.
The file RPI map data Nodes .csv lists all buildings on campus along with their pixel coordinates on the campus map. The image of the campus map can be downloaded here or a larger version from here. File RPI map data Nodes .csv has two parts. The first part lists all the buildings on campus, where each line has four comma separated fields:
where Name is the full name of the building, id is the building id, and x-coordinate and y-coordinate are the coordinates on the map. There may be spaces in the building names.
The second part of file RPI map data Nodes .csv shows the intersections on the map. The inter- sections have no name, hence the name field is empty.
The file RPI map data Edges .csv lists pairs of building and intersection ids: id1 ,id2
which means that there is a pathway between the building or intersection denoted by id 1 and the one denoted by id2 . Pathways are bi-directional: id1 ,id2 means that there is a path from id1 to id2 and also from id2 to id1 .
Your task is to parse these two files and build a graph that represents the RPI campus map. For this assignment, you will compute the length of a pathway from the coordinates of the end points by applying the Euclidean distance formula. We will be using the convention that is common in television and computer graphics where the origin (the point with coordinates (0, 0)) is at the top left corner of the campus map and the positive Y-axis goes in the downward direction as shown in the picture below:
Another way of thinking about it is imagining that your campus map is in quadrant 4 of your coordinate plane instead of quadrant 1. In particular, this means that if you find any common math formulas involving trigonometric functions you might have to adjust them to the coordinate system used in this assignment by inverting the signs of y-axis parameters. Otherwise, you might get your computations wrong.
Problem 2: The Model
As described above, the model handles the data and contains the major logic and computation of your program. For this assignment, a key function of the model will be finding the shortest route between two building on campus. This can be accomplished by using Dijkstra’s algorithm to find a shortest path in the graph, where edge weights represent the pathway length. Reuse the Dijkstra method by calling your Homework 6 code. Do not copy and paste your Dijkstra code from Homework 6 into this homework. Do not re-implement the Graph class in your Homework 7 code. Reuse the Graph class from Homework 4. Do not call methods of GraphWrapper from your Homework 7 code, use your Graph class directly. If you make changes to code from a previous homework, be aware that the code must still compile.
Problem 3: The Controller and View
In this homework, you will write a simple text interface. When the program is launched through the main() method, it repeatedly prompts the user for one of the following one-character commands:
● b lists all buildings (only buildings) in the form name,id in lexicographic (alphabetical) order of name.
● r prompts the user for the ids or names of two buildings (only buildings!) and prints directions for the shortest route between them.
● q quits the program. Note: this command should simply cause the main() method to return. Calling System.exit() to terminate the program will break the tests.
● m prints a menu of all commands. Feel free to add functionality. Our tests cover only the functionality specified above.
When an unknown command is received the program prints the line: Unknown option
Route directions start with:
Path from Name 1 to Name 2 :
where Name 1 and Name 2 are the full names of the two buildings specified by the user. Route
directions are then printed with one line per pathway. Each line is indented with a single tab () and reads:
Walk direction to (Name 3)
where direction is the direction of the pathway and Name 3 is the name of the building at the pathway destination. If the pathway destination is an intersection, print:
Walk direction to (Intersection id)
Direction should be one of: North, NorthEast, East, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, or NorthWest. To determine the direction, compute the angle of the destination from direction north clockwise (e.g, angle of 90 degrees is East). This angle falls into one of eight 45 degree circle sectors corresponding to North, NorthEast, East, etc. as shown in the following diagram:
For example, if the angle is in the sector [22.5, 67.5), the direction is NorthEast.
Finally, print the total distance in pixel units: Total distance: x pixel units .
where x is the sum of the (non-rounded) distances of the individual route pathways.
The total distance should be rounded to three digits after the decimal point. As in Homework 6, we recommend the use of format strings.
Finally, if one of the two buildings in a route is not in the dataset, the program prints the line: Unknown building: [Name]
If neither building is in the dataset, the program prints the line twice, once for the first building and then for the second one. If there is no route between two buildings, your program should print:
There is no path from Name 1 to Name 2 .
To help you with formatting your output correctly, we provide several sample files described in the table below. These files reflect the exact appearance of the console window after running the program, and include both user input and program output. If you run your program with the user input shown in the table, the state of the console should match sample file contents exactly (including whitespace). The sample files and the descriptions above, taken together, should completely specify the output format of your program.
Problem 4: Testing Your Solution
Unlike in previous assignments, the specification is based solely on the output of the complete application, as invoked through the main() method. This means that your JUnit tests will be different from previous homework assignments.
We provide class CampusPathsTest.java as the starter code. The runTest() method takes as a parameter the name of the test file and then constructs three file names, one for input, one for expected output, and one for actual output. It temporarily points System .in to the input file and System .out to the actual output file while it runs your main program. The result is that commands are read from the input file and output is printed to the output file. For your tests to run, you simply need to add @Test methods that call runTest() with the appropriate argument. Also, you might have to edit the designated line in runTest() to invoke your main() method.
You will specify the commands for your tests to run in * .test files. These files simply contain the input a user would have entered at the command line as the program was running. For each test, a corresponding .expected file should contain the output your program is expected to print if a user entered that input. Use JUnit to run the tests. runTest() compares the output in your .out file against the corresponding .expected file.
Reminder: if a test fails, it is often helpful to look at the .out file. These files are written to the data/ directory. It might be easier to navigate through the file system using your system’s file browser or the terminal, rather than in Eclipse.
We have provided one example test in data. Note that the .expected file only contains newlines printed by the program using System.out.println().
It is important that your test data, i.e., * .test and *.expected files, are placed in directory data/ and not in directory src/test/java/hw7/. If you place your test data under test/ Submitty won’t grab the files and will produce FileNotFound Exceptions.
Additionally, you should write JUnit tests for every class that is not part of the view or controller. You may not need to write tests for the view and controller. One reason is that they should have very little functionality — they act as glue between the UI (which is hard to test programmatically) and the model. Furthermore, end-to-end behavior of your application is tested through the specification tests. You may write additional tests for your view and controller if you feel there are important cases not covered by your specification tests, but avoid creating unnecessary work for yourself by duplicating tests. You must have at least three different path tests. The code instruction/statement coverage threshold will be set at 85% for this assignment.
Reflection [0.5 points]
Please answer the following questions in a file named hw7 reflection.pdf in your answers/ direc- tory. Answer briefly, but in enough detail to help you improve your own practice via introspection and to enable the course staff to improve Principles of Software in the future.
(1) In retrospect, what could you have done better to reduce the time you spent solving this assignment?
(2) What could the Principles of Software staff have done better to improve your learning expe- rience in this assignment?
(3) What do you know now that you wish you had known before beginning the assignment?
We will be awarding up to 1 extra credit point (at the discretion of the grader) for particularly insightful, constructive, and helpful reflection statements.
Collaboration[0.5 points]
Please answer the following questions in a file named hw7 collaboration.pdf in your answers/ directory.
The standard integrity policy applies to this assignment.
State whether you collaborated with other students. If you did collaborate with other students, state their names and a brief description of how you collaborated.
Grade Breakdown
● Quality of test suite, percent of your tests passed: 5 pts. (auto-graded)
● Quality of test suite, percent coverage: 5 pts. (auto-graded)
● Instructor tests: 16 pts. (auto-graded)
● Answers to MVC questions (answers/hw7 mvc.pdf): 5 pts.
● Test data quality (data/* .test and data/*.expected): 3 pts.
● Code quality (src/main/java/hw7/*.java, Principles of Software specs, implementation of Observer/MVC and code reuse): 15 pts.
● Collaboration and reflection: 1 pt., up to 1 extra credit point (at the discretion of the grader) for particularly insightful, constructive, and helpful reflection statements.
Best Coding Practices
When designing classes, keep the single responsibility principle in mind. Avoid huge “god” classes.
Remember to practice good procedural decomposition: each method should be short and represent a single logical operation or common task. In particular, it can be tempting to implement your entire view and controller as one long method, but strive to keep each method short by factoring operations into small helper methods.
Store your data in appropriate types/classes. In particular, you should not pack together data into a String and then later parse the String to extract the components.
Remember that your graph should be completely hidden within the model. Classes that depend on the model (namely, the view and controller) should have no idea that the data is stored in a graph, not even from the class documentation. If you decided later to switch to a different graph ADT or to do away with the graph altogether (for example, by making calls to the Google Maps API to find paths), you want to be able to change the model without affecting the view and controller, whose job has nothing to do with how the data is stored or computed.
As usual, include an abstraction function, representation invariant, and checkRep() in all classes that represent an ADT. If a class does not represent an ADT, place a comment that explicitly says so where the AF and RI would normally go. For example, classes that contain only class methods and are never instantiated usually do not represent an ADT. You very well may find that you have more non-ADT classes on this assignment than in the past. Please come to office hours if you feel unsure about what counts as an ADT and what doesn’t.
Common Issues
Do not call System. exit() to terminate your program, as it will prevent your specification tests from passing.
If you use Scanner to read user input from System. in, be sure not to call both next() and nextLine() on the same Scanner object, as the Scanner may misbehave. In particular, some students have found that it causes their programs to work correctly at the console but not when they run their tests. Using Scanner is neither necessary, nor required.
Floating-point precision and numeric comparisons. If you do arithmetic over floating-point values (float, double), then an exact == may not work as expected. Thus, when comparing computed floating-point values, you should use an approximate comparison, such as that the ratio between the values is very close to 1. However, in this assignment you may use == if you are comparing exact floating-point values that are read from a file, without doing arithmetic over them. Doing an approximate comparison is even wrong, since it would give someone reading the code the impression that you are computing approximate values.
What to Turn In
You should commit and push the following files to Submitty. Don’t forget to click Grade My Repository button on Submitty!
● src/main/java/hw7/*. java
● data/* . test
● data/* . expected
● src/test/java/hw7/*Test. java [JUnit test classes you edit or create]
● answers/hw7 mvc. pdf
● answers/hw7 reflection. pdf
● answers/hw7 collaboration. pdf
Check the Submitty Discussion Forum for possible errata or other relevant information.
Q & A
None yet.
Parts of this homework were copied from the University of Washington Software Design and Implementation class by Michael Ernst.