marks listed.
Problem: We want to determine which factors (duration, residence, education) and two-
way interactions are related to the number of children per woman (fertility rate). The
observed number of children ever born in each group (nChildren) depends on the number of
mothers (nMother) in each group. We must take account of the difference in the number of
mothers (hint: one of the lab problems shows how to handle this issue). Write a report on
the analysis that should summarise the substantive conclusions and include the highlights
of your analysis: for example, data visualisation, choice of model (e.g., Poisson, binomial,
gamma, etc), model fitting and model selection (e.g., using AIC), diagnostic, check for
overdispersion if necessary, and summary/interpretation of your final model.
At each step of your analysis, you should write why you do that and your interpreta-
tion/conclusion. For example, “I make an interaction plot to see whether there are in-
teractions between X and Y”, show a plot, and “It seems that there are some interaction
between X and Y”.