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ADVT7506 Strategic Advertising Management The client Reminder: the SAME Client will be used for Assessment #2 the Group Advertising Campaign Project 3All resources for Assessment 1 are located on Blackboard Read client brief – thoroughly ! Check all brand guidelines (if any) • An effective advertising strategy requires an understanding of the motivating factors that drive consumers’ behaviours. In order to gain consumer insights, advertising managers frequently embark on a discovery process to understand the client’s brand, its competitors, and the target audience. • In this assessment, you are required to undertake research, on a specific product/service (the client brief will be provided to you) and develop the key consumer insights and an advertising strategy statement. This is an individual assessment and as such, students should not work with/collaborate with other students in the cohort when working on this written report. • The Consumer Insight Analysis report word count is 1500 words. A step-by-step project guide, including full details of the individual report, will be located in this folder. Please refer to this guide for full details of this individual report. • The insights gained from this assessment item will be used/built on, for inclusion in the final group Advertising Campaign project. All submissions must be written in English. Task Description 1. Background/Brand Discovery: What’s happening in the market. Think in terms of the 3Cs: Company (brand), Category (competitors) and Communication. You could also consider consumers in general here. 2. Objectives: What are the communication objectives for the ad campaign? These need to be crafted based on the client’s over-arching marketing objectives for the campaign. 3. Target Audience: Who is the target audience? Provide a brief profile, including their demographics, geographics and psychographics etc. Include an example of a typical target audience consumer. 4. Research Findings: Discussion of key research findings which emerged from your research undertaken. 5. Key Consumer Insight/s: Identify and discuss the key consumer insight which emerged from your research? Include support statements as to why the “key” insight is important/significant. 6. Advertising Strategy Statement: Translate the Consumer Insight into the advertising strategy statement and provide support/justification. 7. Reference list: List of all cited sources (e.g., academic journal articles, news articles, reliable Internet sources, etc.) presented in APA 6/7th format. 8. Appendix: Include any support materials. Recommended Report Structure • The first part of the research report relates to the understanding of the client brand, its competitors and category, and previous communication. • In particular, the Brand Discovery is about answering the following questions regarding: Brand Discovery The Company / Brand The Category (Competition) The Communication What is the company’s brand story? What decisions have led the company to where it is today? How is it positioned in the market? What makes it unique? What is the essence of the brand? What is the brand voice and personality? What is the product behind the brand and who’s buying it? What is the company behind the brand? What is the environment in which the brand operates? What is the brand vision? What is going on in the category? What is the competitive environment? Is it growing or shrinking? How do the competitors behave? What innovations are happening in this category? What is everyone saying? Are they saying the same thing? Do they portray some personality? How loudly are they saying it? Note: • These are sample questions to guide your report, you do not necessarily have to answer all these questions. You are also free to add any other questions you may feel it is relevant. • Refer to the recommended report structure and the marking criteria sheet. • To successfully complete this first part of the report, it is expected that students base their research on information from secondary sources such as company and (advertising) industry websites, industry reports and publications, academic and scientific journals, as well as your own personal experiences and insights. ➢What are the communication objectives for the ad campaign? ➢These need to be crafted based on the client’s over-arching marketing objectives for the campaign (detailed in the client brief). ➢Ensure you craft about 2-3 advertising specific objectives (objectives which the ad campaign can achieve) and include a brief statement as to why these objectives are important/connected to the marketing goals for the ad campaign. ➢Use the SMARTT framework: Articulate clear, measurable objectives for the campaign (think KPIs, think S.M.A.R.T.): Define 2-3 specific advertising focused objectives that you would you set for this campaign? Remember to consider how would you plan on proving these objectives worked (post- campaign) (Forms of measurement, evaluation process etc, as you will need to comment on this in your Ad Campaign Project). ➢Check the marking criteria for this section Communication Objectives ➢The second part of the research report relates to the understanding of what consumers think and feel about the brand, the product/service, the category, and its competitors. ➢Students are to provide a detailed and well researched target audience analysis including key insights into the psychology of consumers’ decision-making process. ➢Students should be able to answer questions such as the following: • Who are the brand’s audience(s)? • Which segment they form or belong to? • What is their understanding of the brand? • What their key decision drivers are? • Where does the brand touch consumers? • Which of these touch points are relevant to decision making? • What media they engage with? • What is their attitude toward the issue at hand? Note: these are sample questions to guide your report. You do not necessarily have to answer all of these questions. You are also free to add any other questions you may feel it is relevant. Target Audience • This research will assist students in understanding why consumers purchase the brand, their thoughts and feelings and possible barriers to purchase etc. • Use secondary data • Provide evidence to support your argument Research Findings • Identify and discuss the key consumer insight which emerged from your research? • Explain how you arrived at this insight – what research findings led to the identification of this insight. • Why is this insight “the insight”? • Discuss which research findings led to this insight. • Remember – it is this key insight that you identify that will be used to design the creative ideas for the ad campaign (group project). Hint: Discover & define the Consumer Insight: the most important outcome from your research undertaken and your definition of the target audience will be the outline of the key consumer insight. Ask yourself: - Is it an insight? - Does it explain why people behave and think as they do, not just how? - Is there an ‘a-ha’ when the significance of what you have discovered is realised? - Does it tap into underlying consumer motivations and needs? - Does it have clear implications? Key Consumer Insight/s ➢ Translate the Consumer Insight into the advertising strategy statement and provide a brief support/justification. ➢ The template is below and an example follows on the next page. • Advertising will (verb) • (Target Consumer) that (Product/Brand) • is/will/provide • (Statement of Feature/Benefit). Note: Be sure your strategy statement relates to your objectives. Advertising Strategy Statement template ➢ Advertising will (verb) (Target Consumer) that (Product/ Brand) is/will/provide (Statement of Feature/ Benefit). • Convince • Persuade • Communicate • Remind ➢ Advertising will (verb) (Target Consumer) that (Product/ Brand) is/will/provide (Statement of Feature/ Benefit). • Describe the person • Demographics • Psychographics • Product usage • Give the person dimension Advertising Strategy Statement template (cont.) ❑ Title page (includes: title of report, student name and student number, Teaching Facilitator’s name, assignment word count) ❑ Table of Contents Page ❑ Page number is included as a footer on each page ❑ Report style format (with subheads, e.g. “1.0 Background”) is used ❑ 1.5 spacing, with 2.5cm margins ❑ Consistent font throughout report, including headings ❑ Report is within 1500-word limit (references & appendices are not included in the word count) ❑ APA 6/7th referencing is followed consistently across all references (in-text and in reference list) ❑ Report has been proof-read, checked for spelling and grammatical errors ❑ Understand marking rubric ❑ Report is submitted on time ❑ Similarity check (via Blackboard) has been reviewed ❑ Report is written in English ❑ No use of AI in production of the document (as per eCP guidelines) Report Submission Checklist Final notes • This assignment may require a fair bit of time and effort. • The good news is that spending time on the research now will save you time with your group assessment and campaign development. • Please enjoy the project!