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Coursework 1
MIPS Assembly Language Programming
The aim of this assignment is to introduce you to writing simple programs in MIPS
assembly and C languages. The assignment asks you to write three MIPS programs
and test them using the MARS IDE. For details on MARS, see Lab Exercise 1. The
assignment also asks you to write C code and use C code versions of the programs as
models for the MIPS versions.
This is the first of two assignments for the INF2C Computer Systems course. It is
worth 50% of the coursework mark for INF2C-CS and 20% of the overall course mark.
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1 Preliminaries
One of the most common and simplest tools that can assist the user with writing is
a spell checker. A spell checker is a program or function of a program which determines
the correctness of the spelling of a given word based on the language set being used.
The main focus of this exercise is to implement a spell checker for a subset of the
English language in C and MIPS.
1.1 Task A: Tokenizer
The first task is a warm-up exercise. It helps you get familiar with the basic structure
of MIPS and C programs, and with using the MARS IDE.
In this task, an input file is used. The input file is a text document, consisting of
alphabetic characters (a-z and A-Z), punctuation marks ,.!? (i.e., comma, period,
exclamation, question mark) and spaces in any order and combination (without any
newlines). The input file is terminated by End-of-File (EOF). A valid input file does
not include any other characters.