Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
This project will give you a chance to explore airfoil concepts we covered (and will cover) in class
by using publicly-available software, XFLR5. It is based on MIT’s XFOIL program and is covered
in a separate tutorial (MAE424-Project-Tutorial.pdf) posted on UBLearns. This file will give you
an introduction to the software as well as links for obtaining it. NOTE: this tutorial is from
2014—although not much has changed in XFLR5, it is always possible that some minor
details are different. Only focus on the airfoil analysis portion of the tutorial, and on the
XFLR5 content and nothing else—and disregard the old due dates in the tutorial!
There is plenty of information online on XFLR5, please visit its main page which includes helpful
documentation (but the main tabs and video link don’t work…): http://www.xflr5.com/xflr5.htm
There’s a non-secure page (xflr5.tech); I’ve pulled the YouTube links below, no need to use it!!!
Download page is here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xflr5/files/
YouTube links to video tutorials:
The original XFOIL is still maintained here: https://web.mit.edu/drela/Public/web/xfoil/
You will submit 1 pdf file only (no other formats are accepted, multiple files will not be
You must use a word-processing program—no handwritten solutions will be allowed.
Each figure (plot) must have a caption below it, clearly identifying the figure and its
contents (do not use figure “titles” above them—this is very uncommon).
Figures must have legends identifying what each plotted line or quantity is.
Figures must be numbered or identified as belonging to which part of which problem.
In your plots, you must use the specified line colors and line styles, otherwise the
reports will be impractical to grade.
Briefly answer the discussion questions—your answers should be no longer (and no
shorter) than they need to be.
You are NOT required to have a title page, introduction, or conclusions.
Please organize your document neatly and clearly; the reader should not have to “hunt
around” for the answers, or wonder which plot belongs to which part.
All engineering reports have such content and requirements; you show integrity and
professionalism by producing a document that your colleagues would find acceptable.
One thing about XFOIL and XFLR5: they incorporate viscous BL effects and can predict
BL transition (from laminar to turbulent), drag, flow separation, and stall. However, certain
parameters need to be adjusted in the program to do this well, and I just used the default
values—therefore you will see greater differences between the XFLR5 modeling predictions
vs. experiments when it comes to stall behavior. If I had spent more time adjusting these
parameters the performance would be improved, but it takes a lot of effort!
Exporting data: to produce the plots for this project and compare different curves (cases), you will
need to export the XFLR5 data to e.g. a text file that can be read by Excel or Matlab.
See the tutorial, but for the lift, drag, etc., polars, one way to do this is to click on “Polars” in the
top menu bar → “Current Polar” → “Export” and choose for example a .csv file. Also, you can
click on “Polars” in the top menu bar → “Export all” → “to text format” and you should also get a
.csv file. Additionally, you can right-click in the XFLR5 polar window to perform the export.
In the output file, you will see some “header” lines then columns of variables like , , and xcp,
and rows for each operating point, i.e. angle of attack, ?.
Last comment: if any of the input parameters you need for your analysis are not here in this
document, please use the default values you see in the supplied tutorial.