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Computer-Lab 2(C-Lab2)
This is CLab-2 for COMP/ENGN4528 Computer Vision. This Lab focuses on features, develop-
ing mid-level computer vision features, and using Deep Learning to learn features to perform a
classification task.
For this the second part of this lab we highly recommend that you use PyTorch. Please discuss
with your tutor if you plan to use anything else.
Special Notes:
1. Each computer lab has three weeks for submission, but only two weeks of classes: session-A
and session-B. Tutors/Lab instructor will provide basic supervision to both sessions. Please
attend both sessions to get support. Piazza support is available throughout.
2. Your Lab will be marked based on the overall quality of your Lab Report (PDF). The report
is to be uploaded to Wattle site before the due time, which is usually on Sunday 11:59pm of
Week-3 session of your lab.
3. Your submission includes the lab report in PDF format as well as the Lab code that generating
the experimental result.
4. It is normal if you cannot finish all the tasks within two 2-hour sessions — these tasks are
designed so that you will have to spend about 9 hours to finish all tasks including finishing
your Lab report. This suggests that, before attending the third lab session (in Week-2 of
each CLab), you must make sure that you have almost complete 80%. It may take longer if
you are not familiar with programming in Python and with object oriented concepts, or less
time if you are already familiar with pytorch.
5. In your Lab Report, you need to list your complete source code with detailed comments for
each task. You should also show corner detection results and their comparisons for each of
the test images for the first task.
Academic Integrity:
You are expected to comply with the University Policy on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism. You
are allowed to talk with / work with other students on lab and project assignments. You can share
ideas but not code, you should submit your own work. Your course instructors reserve the right
to determine an appropriate penalty based on the violation of academic dishonesty that occurs.
Violations of the university policy can result in severe penalties.
Figure 1: For Matlab Users.
CLab-2 Tasks
Task 1 Harris Corner Detector. (5 marks)
For Matlab Users:
1. Read and understand the corner detection code ‘harris.m’ in Fig 1.
2. Complete the missing parts, rewrite ‘harris.m’ into a Matlab function, and design appropriate
function signature (1 mark).
3. Please provide comments on line #13 and every line of your solution after line #20 (0.5
mark) in your report. Specifically, you need to provide short comments on your code, which
should make your code readable. Please make sure you include the comments in your report
to get marks.