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This tutorial presents some of the MATLAB functions used in probability calculations, basic statistics,
and data analysis. The discrete Markov chain model is introduced and its stationary points identified using
eigenanalysis, linking linear algebra and this class of stochastic model. Based on this, the PageRank algorithm
is discussed, which underpins Google’s websearch engine. Importantly, reading data from and writing data to
a file i s d emonstrated. Curve fitting is introduced, as is the correlation coefficient.
For a more detailed treatment of statistics and and machine learning topics, consult The Elements of
Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman (2009, 2nd
Ed, Springer Series in Statistics):
5.1 Combinatorics and Counting
Probability calculations often involve counting combinations of objects, and the study of combinations of
objects is the realm of combinatorics. Many formulas in combinatorics are derived simply by counting the
number of objects in two different w ays a nd s etting t he r esults e qual t o e ach o ther. O ften t he resulting
proof is obtained by a “proof by words.” Formulas are not necessarily derived from manipulations of factorial
functions as some students might think. Some of MATLAB’s combinatorial functions are illustrated in this
section, which are likely familiar to you.
5.1.1 Permutations and combinations
A permutation is an ordered arrangement of the objects in set S. If |S| = n, then there are:
n(n ? 1)(n ? 2) . . . (2)(1) = n!
different p ermutations o f t hese n o bjects. A n e xample i s t he s ize o f t he s et o f d ifferent or ders th at a group
n of people could appear in a queue, or that labeled balls are drawn from a bucket.
For these types of counting problems, MATLAB provides a factorial function. However, it is generally
preferable (because it is quicker and can be used for much larger numbers), to use the gamma function to
calculate factorials:
Γ (n) =
∫ ∞
and use the fact that Γ (n+ 1) = n! for positive integer values of n. For example,
f a c t o r i a l (5)
ans =
ans =
More generally, a k-permutation arises when we choose k objects in order from a set of n distinct objects.
The total number of different permutations of size k of these n objects is:
n(n? 1)(n? 2) . . . (n? k + 1) = n!(n? k)!