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Assignment title Resit Assessment
Assignment type and
You will produce code to meet a given specification.
Rationale This assessment gives you an opportunity to develop a small working
game using professional techniques such a modularizing code and
defensive design. You will work to create code which meets a client
brief, whilst also ensuring that the code meets basic standards of
structure, documentation and memory management.
Word limit and
You should spend 20-25 hours working on this assessment.
Weighting 100%
Submission deadline 9
August 2024 @ 23:59
Late submission is not permitted.
Submission method Gradescope
Feedback provision Marked rubric, Autograder output & in-code comments via Gradescope.
Learning outcomes
- apply professional programming practices to programming projects.
- explain the importance of applying professional programming practices
to programming projects.
- design, implement, debug and test a modular programming solution to
a real-world problem.
Module lead Amy Brereton (@scsabr)
1. Assignment guidance
You are tasked with creating a basic treasure hunt game in C, where players navigate a map to find
hidden treasures using command-line inputs.
You should design your code to be defensive and handle a range of errors in a graceful way,
without crashing unexpectedly. Consider the full range of mistakes which a user could make when
trying to run the program.
Treasure Island Game
The game loads a map file, which is provided on the command line in the format:
./island <mapfilepath> <dimension>
A map file can contain:
And is always a square with the width and height dimension which is also provided on the
command line.
The game involves the player moving around the island looking for hidden treasure. The player can
move using the WASD keys (w/W = up, a/A = left, s/S = down, d/D = right) or display a map using
the m/M key.
The locations of the hidden treasure and the starting point should not be shown by the map, these
should be showed by blank spaces ‘ ‘.
When the player finds the hidden treasure, they should receive some message telling them how
many they have found such as ‘You have found 1 out of 3 hidden treasures’.
When the player has found all 3 hidden treasures, they have won and the game ends successfully.
There is no exit or quit option, so the only way to complete the game is to find all treasures.
Symbol Meaning
‘ ‘ (space) Land which the player can move across.
‘w’ (lower case w) Water – this surrounds the island and the player cannot move through
it. There must be only water in the first and last row and column.
‘T’ (upper case t) Palm trees which block the player from moving on land.
3 x ‘H’ (upper case h) Hidden treasures which the player is searching for.
1 x ‘S’ (upper case s) The starting point, where your player will be placed when you start the
game. Return codes and Outputs to the User
Any outputs such as error messages can be any text you like, as the grader does not read them.
However, there are certain return codes which you have to use:
0 = success (the game was able to run correctly)
1 = argument error (bad number of arguments, or bad dimension)
2 = file error (the file cannot be read – doesn’t exist or no read permissions)
3 = data error (the file is not a valid map)
Where an error could fall into multiple categories, the autograder will accept either – or you can ask
me via Teams.
Map Files
Map files are text files containing a ‘map’ for the game. They have some rules:
- The map should always have a border of water (‘w’s) around the edges (i.e. every first and
last character of a row and column should be a ‘w’).
- A map is always a square (width and height equal), and should match the dimension given on
the command line.
- There is exactly one start point marked by ‘S’.
- There are exactly 3 treasures marked by ‘H’.
- The map only contains characters ‘w’,’T’,’ ‘, ‘H’ and ‘S’.
- The size is a minimum of 5x5 and a maximum of 100x100.
- They may end with a trailing newline character (a ‘\n’ as the final character).
A selection of map files have been provided to help you test your code – note that these will not be
the final files used to test your code, so it’s important for you to ensure that your code works on a
variety of different files.
These example files also do not contain every possible error – try and think of other ways in
which a map file could be wrong, and make some of your own to test your code.
You do not need to check whether there is a valid route between the start and the 3 treasures
– you can assume there always is. Additional Task – Map Generator – 30 marks
This task is optional and should not be attempted if you are sitting a capped resit – this is
only for those with uncapped marks who are aiming for higher marks and may take
significantly longer than the suggested time for this assignment.
The developer wants to procedurally generate a range of different maps to build up a website of
maps which people can download and use with the game. They would like you to create a script
which is able to generate these maps.
You may use C, Python, or Java for this extension.
You will produce a program which can generate maps with a given filename and size. For example:
./islandGenerator new_island.txt 40
Would create a random, solvable 40x40 map and save it into new_island.txt.
Note: as other languages are permitted, please provide running instructions in a readme.md