Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
We have shown you the framework for solving the coursework at https://uclcg.github.io/uclcg/.
You should start by extending the respective example there. The programming language is WebGL
and the OpenGL ES Shading Language
(GLSL) www.khronos.org/files/opengles_shading_language.pdf. This should run in any browser, but
we formerly experienced problems with Safari and thus recommend using a different browser such as Chrome.
Do not write any answers in any other programming language, in paper, or pseudo code. Do not write code
outside the #define blocks.
Remember to save your solution often enough to a .uclcg file. In the end, hand in that file via Moodle.
The total points for this exercise is 100.
Please refer to Moodle for the due dates.
Introduction We have prepared a simple path tracing framework you would be asked to extend. The
framework is very similar to the solution of the first coursework (ray-tracing), just that we removed cylinder
intersections and point lights.
As in the previous coursework, we proceed in an artificially-low resolution for two reasons: Slow computers
and in order to allow you to see individual pixels to notice subtle effects. The new revision of the framework
allows to change the resolutions with a new button.
The path tracer is progressive: It will permanently run when loaded and compute a new sample at each
pixel. The result already gets averaged over time by the framework. The solution will be reset every time
you change the code. To add new iterations, press the play or stop buttons in the web page. The current
solution will run for 1000 samples.