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Assignment 3
All files left on Moodle in a state "Draft(not submitted)" will not be evaluated. Please refer to
the submission dropbox on Moodle for the submission due date and time.
This assessment contributes to 20% of the total evaluation in the subject. The deliverable is
specified in the task(s).
It is a requirement that all Laboratory and Assignment tasks in this subject must be solved
individually without any cooperation with the other students. If you have any doubts, questions,
etc. please consult your lecturer or tutor during lab classes or office hours. Plagiarism will result
in a FAIL grade being recorded for that assessment task.
The environment of implementation is the Ubuntu virtual machine which is imported from
the BigDataVM-2021v2_2.ova file.
Q1. Apache HBase (3 marks)
Consider the following conceptual model:
Develop two alternative implementations of the above schema in HBase; in other words, two HBase
tables are to be created. Each HBase table must be loaded with at least two instructors and two subjects.
The names of column families and column qualifiers must be indicative. You can determine the row
keys and cell values.
After finishing loading the data , use a “scan” command to list all rows from each table.
You must also explain the key difference between your two implementations.
Deliverable. A file solution1.pdf which includes:
The Hadoop commands, HBase shell commands and execution output in Zeppelin or Terminal;
An explanation of the difference between the two implementations.