Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
This is your final. You are required to work on this by yourself. You must implement the programs
on your own–do not copy any existing programs (if they, indeed, do exist).
We will not be answering questions on Piazza that will lead to an answer. If the files are not
in your repository, please let us know on Piazza.
For grading purposes (as you have seen in the previous assignments), there will be additional
tests that we will run. These parameters we pass in will not be edge cases, just a variation in
values (that logically fit with the problem).
There will be no grade request for this Final. Please ensure the file is in GitHub and is
pushed before the due date and there are no syntax errors.
For all problems, we will be giving partial credit based on the correctness of logic. Each
problem will be looked over, however syntax errors that prevent the file or function from running
will significantly reduce the partial credit. It is better to have a function that gives back incorrect
values versus a function that does not let the program run.