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Introduction to Programming
1. Overview
a) Summary:
This assignment is worth 13% of the total marks for COMP101.
You must submit an attempt at this assignment else a fail grade for the module
will be awarded. Plagiarism and collusion guidelines apply throughout.
b) Guidance:
Assessment is based on solving the problem specification in terms of design,
clarity, accuracy and appropriate use of code, testing and documentation.
See below for assignment advice:
? No validation is needed – assume user inputs correct data
? No iteration statements are needed
? No modularisation is needed
? No design document is needed for this assignment
c) Submission (two files to be submitted):
a) Submit one .py file with filename in format of:
familyName_givenName-CA03.py e.g. Smith_John-CA03.py
Within the code, the first lines should be comment lines as follows:
#familyName_givenName University id filename Month and Year of coding, filename.py
#Brief description of the problem solved
#Smith_John 20141234 November 2021 CA-03.py
#Description here (keep it clear but brief)
b) Submit one .pdf file containing a test table e.g. Smith_John-CA03.pdf
Use the test table template for your evidence of testing
2. Assessment Information
Assignment Number 03 (of 07)
Weighting 13%
Assignment Circulated See front page
Deadline See front page
Submission Mode e-submission