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Classesand instance data
Learning Outcomes:
When you have completed this assignment, you should understand:
? Write instance methods
? Write methods that operate on objects and lists of objects
Howtohand it in:
? Submit 3 files: assignment10.py, date.py and pet.py file in CourseSpaces before the deadline.
? Late submissions will be given a zero grade.
? The files you submit must be named assignment10.py, date.py and pet.py.
The filenames must be EXACT for them to work with our grading scripts. Errors in the filenames will
result in a zero grade.
Example mistakes often made by students include but are not limited to: spelling errors, different case
letters, space characters and incorrect extension (not using .py)
? Your function names and the order of your function arguments must match EXACTLY as specified in
this document or you will be given a zero grade. Use the example tests we give you to ensure your
function header is correct.
? We will do spot-check grading in this course. That is, all assignments are graded BUT only a subset of
your code might be graded. You will not know which portions of the code will be graded, so all of your
code must be complete and adhere to specifications to receive marks.
? Your code must run without errors with Python 3. If you tested your configuration with setup.py file this
would have verified you are using Python 3. Code that generates errors cannot be tested and will be given
a zero grade.