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MAT2040 Linear Algebra
Project 2
Project Instructions:
? Read the following text and answer the questions given in and after the text.
? For questions that need Julia, both codes and results should be reported. Besides, codes
need in .jl form or .ipynb form.
1 Linear Regression
The simplest relationship is that Y is linear in X. i.e.
Normally, we will collect m data pairs (xi, yi), and try to solve the w and b. By considering
as the white Gaussian noise, we can get formulate the problem as the following:
Question 1. 1. Based on the lecture “Least Square”, for (1), what is the solution ofθ?
2. Given data pairs as following:
what is the solution of θ for (1)?
2 Nonlinearity with Polynomial
For some Y which is not linear in X, we have to introduce some nonlinear terms. In this section,
we will add nonlinearity with kth order polynomial functions. Suppose X ∈ R, when we assume
Y = w1X + w2X2 + · · · + wkXk + b, is on longer linear in x. Similarly,
Question 2. We provide a file named “2000points.csv”, which contains 2000 pairs of (xi, yi),where yi = x3i ? 3x2i + xi + 1 + i and i is a white Gaussian noise.
1. Take k = 3. Solve problem (2).
Question 3. We provide a file named “20points.csv”, which contains 20 pairs of (xi, yi), where
. It has the same form as the problem (1) and (2), but with different A.
3 Regularization
In section 2 when we have large enough k, we can always make minθ kAθ ? yk22 = 0. However,
we will get a model which is far away form the original model, like what we can see in Question
3. we called this phenomenon as overfitting. To overcome overfitting problem, we introduce a
regularization term. And the problem becomes as the following:
minθkAθ ? yk22 + λkθk22, for some λ > 0 (4)
The solution of (4) is θ = (AT A + λI)?1AT y
Question 5. Show that if λ > 0, then for any matrix A, AT A + λI is invertible.
Question 6. We provide a file named “20points.csv”, which contains 20 pairs of (xi,yi), where yi = x3i ? 3x2i + xi + 1 + i and i
is a white Gaussian noise.
Take k = 10 and λ = 0.01. Solve problem (4).