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ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture Course Details & Outcomes Course Description In this course, you will study the Chinese city as the cornerstone of modern Chinese culture. You will investigate the city as the site and symbol of China’s modern transformation, exploring its pre-modern models before probing into issues of contemporary Chinese urbanisation. You will also examine historical, literary and visual texts that explore the contested emergence of a modern Chinese urban culture and society, the new structure of feelings and life experiences, as well as the transformation of popular cultural institutions such as the tea house and street life. You will visit the city-country nexus as a politically, socially and culturally important spatial concept in China’s modern development and examine contemporary urbanisation and its impact on culture and society. Relationship to Other Courses n/a Course Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 : Critically appraise significant modern and contemporary Chinese historical, literary, filmic and popular cultural texts. CLO2 : Evaluate the role city plays in the development of modern Chinese culture and society. CLO3 : Identify and analyse key issues, forms and debates of modern and contemporary Chinese culture. CLO4 : Apply conceptual and practical tools and skills in cultural historical studies.
Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Item CLO1 : Critically appraise significant modern and contemporary Chinese historical, literary, filmic and popular cultural texts. • Essay • In-class Test CLO2 : Evaluate the role city plays in the development of modern Chinese culture and society. • Individual presentation in themed group setting • Essay • In-class Test CLO3 : Identify and analyse key issues, forms and debates of modern and contemporary Chinese culture. • Individual presentation in themed group setting • Essay • In-class Test CLO4 : Apply conceptual and practical tools and skills in cultural historical studies. • Individual presentation in themed group setting • Essay
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Assessments Assessment Structure Assessment Item Weight Relevant Dates Essay 50% Start Date: Not Applicable Due Date: 08/08/2024 11:59 PM Individual presentation in themed group setting 30% Start Date: Not Applicable Due Date: Week 5 - Week 9 In-class Test 20% Start Date: Not Applicable Due Date: Week 10: 29 July - 04 August Assessment Details Essay
Assessment Overview Students write an essay (ca. 3,000 words) based on independent research. Feedback via individual comments and rubric. This is the final assessment for attendance purposes. Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 : Critically appraise significant modern and contemporary Chinese historical, literary, filmic and popular cultural texts. CLO2 : Evaluate the role city plays in the development of modern Chinese culture and society. CLO3 : Identify and analyse key issues, forms and debates of modern and contemporary Chinese culture. CLO4 : Apply conceptual and practical tools and skills in cultural historical studies. Detailed Assessment Description Students are to follow set guidelines and criteria for key requirements Submission notes n/a Assessment information Detailed information and guidelines will be provided on the course Moodle.
Assignment submission Turnitin type This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports. Individual presentation in themed group setting
Assessment Overview Students present (and are marked) individually (8 to 10 minutes each depending on class size) on a chosen topic within the framework of a themed group. The topics are based on assigned readings. Students are organized into groups with a shared theme, their individual presentations deal with a different aspect of the theme. Feedback via individual comments. Course Learning Outcomes CLO2 : Evaluate the role city plays in the development of modern Chinese culture and society. CLO3 : Identify and analyse key issues, forms and debates of modern and contemporary Chinese culture. CLO4 : Apply conceptual and practical tools and skills in cultural historical studies. Detailed Assessment Description This is the first stage of your study/research project that leads to the essay. Assessment Length 10 minutes each Submission notes n/a Assessment information Deatailed information will be provided on the Moodle. Assignment submission Turnitin type This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports. In-class Test
Assessment Overview Students complete a test (ca. 2 hours) including multiple-choice, then short- and longer- answer questions. Students receive a mark and can consult the lecturer for further feedback.
Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 : Critically appraise significant modern and contemporary Chinese historical, literary, filmic and popular cultural texts. CLO2 : Evaluate the role city plays in the development of modern Chinese culture and society. CLO3 : Identify and analyse key issues, forms and debates of modern and contemporary Chinese culture. Detailed Assessment Description Assessing reading comprehensions of required texts and lectured contents Assessment Length ca. 2 hours Submission notes n/a Assessment information Detailed instruction will be provided on the Moodle in advance.