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Question 1 (50%)
In this exercise, you will train many multilayer perceptrons (MLP) to approximate the class
label posterior, using maximum likelihood parameter estimation (equivalently, with minimum average
cross-entropy loss).
Pick your own C value (number of classes) from this set: {3,4,5}. Pick two activation functions
for the perceptrons; one sigmoid, one soft-ReLu type differentiable function. Your MLP
structure will consist of 2 fully-connected layers of adaptive weights, followed by a softmax layer
to ensure your model output conforms to the requirements of a probability distribution over discrete
class labels. The dataset you will classify consists of 2-dimensional real vectors. The number
of perceptrons in the first layer of the MLP will be determined using cross-validation procedures
(e.g., from the set {1,...,6}).
Using the Matlab function generateMultiringDataset.m generate two sets of data. Dtrain will
have 100 iid samples and their class labels. Dtest will have 10000 iid samples and their class labels.
Do NOT use Dtest in making any training or model selection choices in the process. You will use
it only for final performance evaluation.
Using 10-fold cross-validation with Dtrain, and minimum classification error probability as the
objective, select the best combination of number of perceptrons in the first layer and the activation