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ICSI 404 – Assignment 3: CPU Design
The third programming assignment builds on the previous ones to emulate the architectural design of a
computer. Consequently, it needs an implementation of the byte-array abstraction of the main memory.
For this series of assignments, we do not consider the timing aspects of CPU instruction cycle and
memory access. Consequently, we completely avoid all aspects of cache emulation and only implement
the single-cycle execution abstraction of the CPU. The simple instruction set includes only the basic
capabilities of arithmetic/logic operations (implemented in the ALU design assignment), input/output
using software interrupt, unconditional jump and conditional branches. While we would not implement
stack operations as part of this assignment, we leave the opcode space open for future enhancement.
Task 1: Memory
The Memory class implementation must follow these specifications:
1. The Memory class must be a new class that does not inherit from (i.e., extend) any other class. A
memory object is meant to be instantiated by a computer object (see Task 2). However, you must
implement the Memory class independently in the Memory.java file, and not as a nested class
within the Computer class. The Memory class implementation needs to be tested thoroughly with
a tester class created in TestMemory.java, before proceeding to develop the Computer class for
the next task.
2. A Memory object must have an array of bytes as part of its data field. For our emulated computer,
we do not plan on working with a large program or large amount of data. Thus, the memory size can
be hard-coded to 256 bytes, which will limit the volume of printed output when we do a memory
dump to standard output for testing or debugging purposes. You may like to define the memory size
as a constant (setting it to 256) and make the size readable via a public accessor. This way you can
change the size later if you need to.
3. You must create the public interface (not referring to Java interface) for your class by implementing
the following methods:
a) At creation, all bytes in the memory need to be initialized to zero.
b) Implement the accessor for accessing up to a maximum 4 bytes of data (check must be enforced
for illegal argument value) starting from a given memory address (a long-word whose integer
value serves as the index of the internal byte-array). The return value of the accessor is a long
word that can be stored in a CPU register. Assume that data is stored in memory in the big-
endian convention. The accessor will be used for both instruction fetch (2 bytes) and data fetch
(1, 2 or 4 bytes). For example, assuming the memory location 0 and 1 have the bytes A1 and B2
in hex, a memory read of 2 bytes from address 0 should return a long-word with hex value
0000A1B2. The method prototype may look like
public LongWord read(LongWord address, int numBytes)
c) Implement the mutator for writing to memory up to a maximum of 4 bytes starting from a given
memory address. Again, we need to adhere to the big-endian convention for writing to memory,
but count the number of bytes from low order of significance. Continuing with the last example,
writing 2 bytes from a long-word with hex value xxxxA1B2 at memory address 0 will place the
byte A1 at address 0 and B2 at address 1. The method prototype may look like
public void write(LongWord address, LongWord word, int numBytes)
4. Fully test the memory read-write functionalities by creating a separate MemoryTest.java file and
implementing an appropriate runTests method, before proceeding to the next task.