Web Application Development
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Web Application Development: Coursework
This coursework is worth 100% of the marks for module CHC5054.
You will also need skills from the following modules:
● CHC4008 (Python Programming)
● CHC4007 (Design reporting)
● CHC5049 (Database design)
● CHC5226 (Secure implementation)
Your task is to develop and test the full stack for a simple web application that allows users to
buy and sell various things of different categories.
• Buyers can create accounts with a username, password, address, email, phone number
and buy one or more products, like or dislike it, post comments, and read comments
other buyers have posted.
• The vendors also have accounts with username, password, email, address and also
phone number, they add their products with the quantity and the price.
The products are divided into categories containing products from the same type has a name,
description, price, vendor name, number of likes/dislikes, user’s comments and an “add to
cart” button
The following is the basic functionality to implement:
● On visiting the first page of the site, the user must see a list of products and
● Clicking on a category should display all products related to that category, with the
most recently updated (newly posted or with new comments and likes/dislikes) at the
● Clicking on a product should show the product page including all its information
(name, picture, description, price, vendor name)
● The product page should also contain number of likes/dislikes, users’ comments with
their usernames, date, time of the comment.
● An “add to cart” button for when the buyer wants to buy the product with two buttons
+ and – to specify the quantity, the buyer can after that check other products or
proceed to the cart page.
● The cart interface should display the different products added by a buyer, quantity and
price for each product and the total price, after confirming payment with WeChat Pay
or AliPay a notification will be sent to vendors on to ship these products.
● When a vendor receives a buying notification on the website, he will ship the product
desired to the buyer, a notification is then sent to the buyer in the website containing
the tracking and the date of arrival.
● A vendor can add products with their information to his account and can add a
promotion, the new price and its duration.
● A history of different purchases should be saved for each user including the time, date,
product name, and the price.
● A user (either buyer or vendor) must be able to create an account, giving a username
and password.
● A user must be able to log into an existing account with the correct combination of
username and password.
● The user interface to register an account or log in can be either a separate page or an
overlaying box in the corner of each regular view page which appears only when a
button is clicked.
● Users cannot buy or sell products unless they are logged in. (But they can view
● Comments should be viewed by all users, with their date and time.
● All users can post comments on a product.
● Data must be stored in an SQL database.
● The site should not be vulnerable to SQL, JavaScript (XSS) or HTML injection.
● The user interface should be of a standard suitable for a modern web application.
● The application should meet reasonable standards for accessibility on desktop
The marks available for each of these areas of functionality are divided based on the sections
of the coursework, as described below. Simply writing code to meet the specification by any
means will not earn full marks.
Your web site must run in a Python virtual environment built by running the following
commands from a Command Prompt in a suitable working directory:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv webtest
cd webtest
pip install flask mysql-connector-python
It is recommended that you also use this virtual environment for development. Regardless,
you must test your site within the virtual environment before submitting it. This is the virtual
environment in which your code will be tested by the assessor. If it does not work, marks will
not be awarded.
In addition to the libraries in the above virtual environment, you may use the jQuery library
for JavaScript, but may not use any other frameworks or libraries. This means that you
may not use libraries that are “Flask extensions” if they are not installed with Flask.
(Please do not send e-mails asking if you can use other extension libraries; the answer is no.
The purpose of the coursework is to understand how JavaScript and server interaction work at
the lowest level possible, not in terms of abstractions created by higher level code.)
Your website must be built using HTML 5 and ECMAscript 6 on the client, and Flask,
MySQL (or SqLite) and Python 3 on the server.
This is individual work. You must not copy or share code with other students. Do not copy
code from online sources, answers, tutorials or existing open-source e-commerce software.
Copied code will result in the plagiarism process being invoked and you may be asked to
attend an online meeting to verify that your understanding of your code is consistent with you
having written it.
You must be very careful with the use of online tutorials on this module. Your primary
learning source should be the module notes and the lecturer and tutorial staff. There are a very
large number of online tutorials on the topic of web development, but many are incorrect, outof-date, or badly written.
Sites which present code and then explain it are often cheating sites, not tutorials.
Retroactively explaining large amounts of code is not an effective learning method, but is
often used as a trick to “justify” presenting code actually intended to be cut and pasted. Often
the explanations are extremely poor or even incorrect and will confuse your understanding
Submission is in three stages:
● a preliminary report
● the actual website
● a final report
Due Date: Preliminary report: 31st march 2023 (week 6)
Website: 5th April 2023 (week 11)
Final report: 12th April 2023 (Week 12)
The preliminary report is worth 20% of each component of the marks from the Specification
section. The implementation is worth 60%, and the final report is also worth 20%.
Code implemented in the final submission but not reported on in the actual report can still
score full marks on the other two components, but you will lose out on potential feedback on
your report.
The final report may refer to sections of code that were not implemented, but it will likely not
be possible to write the report well without having implemented those sections.
Preliminary Report
The preliminary report should cover the design and structure of implementation you intend to
use to produce the selected functionality. This should include:
● the division of functionality between client and server (in this context the “client”
means the web browser and JavaScript code, not the human user);
● wireframes representing the user interface;
● an overview of the intended implementations at client and server.
The website should be uploaded as a .zip file to the student website by (Date to be
announced). To prepare your .ZIP file, do the following steps:
1. Prepare a fresh virtual environment via the commands described in the “restrictions”
2. Copy your website files into the virtual environment, activate it, and ensure that your
website works inside it.
3. Use the mysqldump utility to output your database specification into a file in the
virtual environment. (The mysqldump.exe file is in the bin directory of the MySQL
Server install path.)
4. Delete the directories Include, Lib, Scripts, and tcl.
5. ZIP the virtual environment directory.
The 60% of the section mark for the website is divided as follows:
● The basic functionality (working organization, buying, selling, reading, liking,
notifying and login): 30%.
● Quality of user interface design: 10%.
● Quality of back-end architecture: 20%.
Remember to break down processes in detail to allow these to be described. “The user can
click to login” is not sufficient detail - the process of logging in is a multi-stage one that will
likely involve several communications between the client and server, and use of the database.
It is not necessary to include source code in the report. The report will be your main
opportunity to gather feedback before the submission (although you may also ask for help in
practical sessions) so make sure to provide detail on any decisions you are not sure about, so
that the assessor can provide useful feedback.
The preliminary report should be submitted on the student website by (5
th April 2023).