CP1402/CP1802 Assignment
Networking Case Study
This case study consists of five components.
You are to design a network, research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.), subnet the network, assign IP addresses to the appropriate devices, and provide an executive summary of the project. You are also to provide a proposal for incorporating cloud computing.
Note: This is not a group project. Each student must individually complete all parts of their submission.
Students must start with a new document and they must not have another person’s file in their possession at any time. Students may discuss the task with each other, but each student must write their assignment independently and not show their work to other students.
James Cook University takes academic misconduct very seriously, and penalties will apply both for copying another student’s work, and providing work to another student.
A single Word document (.docx) – containing all parts
Assignment breakdown
A European software development company has asked you to assess and redesign their network. They are opening new branches in Porto and Riga, which will require new equipment. They have existing contracts and hardware to maintain fibre optic leased line WAN links between sites.
PART 1 – Executive summary
PART 2 – Network diagram
PART 3 – Subnet the network and assign IP addresses to the appropriate devices
PART 4 – Research and source appropriate devices justifying choices (feasibility, efficiency, etc.) with a Weighted Scoring Model (WSM)
PART 1 – Executive summary
Describe the purpose, scope, and objectives of the project for each of parts 2, 3 and 4. Why is it important to produce a well-designed network diagram? What goals are you trying to achieve with the hardware you select for the procurement project?
· Purpose
The first thing you need to do when starting on a project is ask “why”? What problem are you trying to solve? Once you explicitly define the problem, it becomes easier to evaluate possible solutions.
· Scope
A project’s scope defines the outputs or deliverables of a project. What is the overall outcome of the project? How will the output of the project solve the problem? What features will the end result have?