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Board Game - Tigers & Goats
Version 1.0 - see revision date above
Check the LMS to ensure that you have the latest version. If you have any questions about any aspect of
the project, submit them to help1001.
The project task is to construct a Java program containing your solution to the following problem. You
must submit your program via cssubmit. No other method of submission is allowed. Only one submission
per team is required, but make sure it includes the names and student numbers of both partners.
You are expected to have read and understood the UWA Policy on Academic Conduct. In accordance
with this policy, you may discuss with other students the general principles required to understand this
project, but the work you submit must be the result of your own effort.
You must submit your project before the submission deadline above. UWA’s Policy on Late Submission
will apply.
2 Project Overview
In this Java project, you will implement a very basic board game that allows a human player to play
against the computer. You will use SimpleCanvas to display the board as the game progresses. To complete
the project, first read and understand the problem specification in the next section. Then study the
specification of project classes to understand how your implementation is to be structured.
A video of the game play (from the project solution) is provided on LMS.
3 Problem Description
Tigers & Goats is a simple game where one player controls 12 goats to trap 3 tigers to win i.e. the tigers
are unable make a valid move. The second player controls tigers to make simple moves or to jump over a
goat to eat it and reduce their numbers. Tigers win when the number of goats becomes less than 6, since
this is the minimum number required to trap all tigers. However, as the number of goats reduce from 12,
their chances of wining diminish rapidly. Figure 1 shows a snapshot of game play in stage 2. The circles
represent goats and the squares represent tigers. One of the goats has been eaten and hence there are
11 goats. Goats and tigers can move to an adjacent location connected by a straight line (red or white,
colour is only for cosmetic reasons). Valid locations (where a goat or tiger can be placed) are the corners
or intersection of lines.
A tiger can jump over a goat in a straight line to the next location and eat the goat in its way. The
destination location must be vacant for this to happen. In Figure 1, tiger 1 can jump over the goat to its
left as shown by the arrow. The goat in the way will be eaten and removed from the board. Tiger 2 is
blocked. It can neither move nor jump over (eat) any goat since there is no destination location to the
left, right or top and the bottom one is occupied by a goat. Goats can move to save themselves or their
fellow goats by occupying a location. Tiger 3 can eat the goat on its right.