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Start: Feb. 26
End: Mar. 15
There are two parts in this assignment: multiple answer questions (50 points) and one programming question (100 points). The covered lectures are from Lecture 7 to Lecture 14.
1 Answer question
1. Answer the following questions on graph visualization.
• Describe what force-directed layout algorithm is. (5 pts)
• Read the paper “Time-Varying Data Visualization Using Infor-mation Flocking Boids” and describe the general idea of Moere’s algorithm for visualizing time-varying graphs. (10 pts)
• Read the paper “DeepDrawing: A Deep Learning Approach to Graph Drawing” and describe the process of the proposed ap-proach for graph drawing. (10 pts)
2. Answer the following questions on tree visualization.
• Given a tree shown in (a), compute the 5 tuple of each node i using leveled-based layout with non-overlapping rectangle approach. (5 pts)
• Given a tree shown in (b), use hw-drawing with a balanced layout to compute the following tuple (Wu, Hu, su) for each node u. (5 pts)
• Analyze the time complexity of hw-drawing with a balanced lay-out. (6 pts)
• Read the paper “GoTreeScape: Navigate and Explore the Tree Vi-sualization Design Space” and describe the pipeline for visualizing tree structure (9 pts).
2 Programming
2.1 Description
Figure 1: The visual result of programing assignment.
This programming assignment aims to help students get familiar with animated visualization using D3.
In this assignment, you are asked to produce the following visualization results.
• Given a high-dimensional data set in a .json file, visualize the data using a Sankey diagram, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2: Animation of high-dimensional data visualization.
• Visualize two categories into different shapes.
• Using stacked bar charts to visualize and show the statics, as shown in Figure 1 at the right part.
• Create an animation. Two frames are shown in Figure 2
For the complete animation, please refer to the provided video.
2.2 Requirement
• Access data.
• Stack probabilities.
• Create person.
• Visualize paths.
• Visualize persons.
• Add color and filter.
• Visualize bars.
• Update numbers.
Online Resources The following online resources will be helpful in fin-ishing this assignment.
• SVG in D3
• Scale in D3
• Selection in D3
• Timer in D3
2.3 Evaluation
In total, there are 100 points in this assignment. A detailed evaluation is provided here.
1. Access education attributes and socioeconomic status. (5 pts)
2. Stack probabilities. (10 pts)
3. Create person. (5 pts)
4. Visualize path. (15 pts)
5. Visualize persons. (20 pts)
6. Add color and filter. (20 pts)
7. Visualize bars. (10 pts)
8. Update numbers (10 pts)
9. Submission (5pts). Please compress your code and a readme file (op-tional) into a zip file and submit the zip file to Black Board. The readme file can include descriptions that help the grader run the inter-face successfully.
Note that a penalty of 10 pts will be given to those students who submit the assignment one day after the deadline. A penalty of 20 pts will be given to those students who submit the assignment two days after the deadline. Submissions three days after the deadline will not be graded.