Given the provided case study from assignment 1A, and additional forms/documents related to the case study, students will be asked to transform the information provided into a sound database design and implement it in Oracle. This task covers learning outcomes:
Your task
This is an open book, group task (students will work in groups of two or three students with members selected randomly). The final output for this task will be a logical model implemented in the Oracle RDBMS
This task continues the work you have started in assignment 1A by refining/extending the model you developed and implementing it as a set of tables under your Monash Oracle database account. Since this is an ongoing development process based on your assignment 1A submission and marker feedback,you must ensure that your assignment 1A submission and the marker feedback remains confidential and is only seen by the members of your group and the FIT2094 teaching staff.Assignment 1B’s brief must be read in conjunction with the assignment 1A brief – ie. your final model must encompass both sets of requirements. You may modify your assignment 1A conceptual model in any manner you wish as you work through assignment 1B, provided your final model meets both sets of requirements.
In developing your final logical data model, composite attributes present on your conceptual model must be expanded into their component simple attributes,unless otherwise directed. If the supplementary material presented in this document does not guide you in deciding the components you may make any reasonable decision on their simple component attributes.