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CSE 3341, Core Interpreter program, begin, end, int, if, then, else, while, loop, read, write • Special symbols (19 special symbols): ; , = ! [ ] && || ( ) + – * != == < > <= >= • Integers (unsigned) (max size of 8 digits). • Identifiers: start with uppercase letter, followed by zero or more uppercase letters and ending with zero or more digits with a total max of 8 characters in an id. Note something like “ABCend” is illegal as an id because of the lowercase letters; and it is not two tokens because of lack of whitespace. For the purposes of this project, we will number these tokens 1 through 11 for the reserved words, 12 through 30 for the special symbols, 31 for integer, and 32 for identifier. One other important token is the EOF token (for end-of-file); let us assume that is token number 33. The tokenizer should read in a stream of legal tokens (ending with the EOF token), and produce a corresponding stream of token numbers as its output. This will tell you whether your tokenizer is identifying all tokens correctly. So given the program on page 20 of the slides, the Tokenizer should produce the following stream of numbers: 1 4 32 12 2 32 . . . 33 corresponding to the tokens, “program”, “int”, “X”, “;”, “begin”, “X”, . . . , EOF. If the tokenizer comes across an illegal token in the input stream, it should print an appropriate error message and stop. Note that the tokenizer should not worry about whether the input stream is a legal Core program or not; all it should care about is that each token in the stream is a legal token. Important Notes: 1. Whitespace: Whitespace is required between each pair of tokens except if one (or both) of the tokens is a special symbol in which case the whitespace between them is optional. Whitespace is not allowed in the middle of any token. Any number of whitespaces is allowed between any pair of tokens. “Whitespace” means tab, carriage return, line feed, or blank character. 1 Note that something like “===XY” (no whitespaces) is legal and will be interpreted as the token “==” followed by the token “=” followed by the token “XY”. 2. Your code should run on the CSE lab machines. So if you develop it on a different computer, please make sure that it runs on the lab machines before submitting it. Do NOT wait until the submission deadline to check this. Details: You may write the tokenizer in Java or Python or C++; if you use C++, compile with g++; do not use Visual Studio. Do not use any other language. Your Tokenizer program should read its input from a file whose name will be specified as a command line argument. This file will contain the Core program to be tokenized (and, in the second part, to be parsed, printed and executed). Your program should consist of the Tokenizer class; and the main() function which should create a Tokenizer object, repeatedly call the methods of the Tokenizer class to get the tokens from the input stream, and output the returned token numbers to the standard output stream, one number per line. Of course, your program should include any additional classes/functions that it needs to operate properly. For this part, you do not have to implement two separate methods, one for getting the current token and one for skipping it; but you might as well do so since you will have to do that for the next part of the project. What To Submit And When: On or before 11:59 pm, Feb. 12, you should submit, on Carmen, the following: 1. A plain text file named README that specifies the names of all the files you are submitting and a brief (1-line) description of each saying what the file contains; plus, instructions to the grader on how to compile your program and how to execute it, and any special points to remember during compilation or execution. If the grader has problems with compiling or executing your program, he will e-mail you at your OSU e-mail address; you must respond within 48 hours to resolve the problem. If you do not, the grader will assume that your program does not, in fact, compile/execute properly. 2. Your source files and makefiles (if any). DO NOT submit object files. 3. A documentation file (also a plain text file). This file should include at least the following: A description of the overall design of the tokenizer, in particular, of the Tokenizer class; a brief “user manual” that explains how to use the Tokenizer; and a brief description of how you tested the Tokenizer and a list of known remaining bugs (if any). 4. Submission of the lab will be on Carmen. But I will not post the details of the lab on Carmen; instead, Carmen will just include a brief description of the project and allow you to submit your project. Correct functioning of the Tokenizer is worth 70% (partial credit in case it works for some cases but not all. Documentation is 15%. Quality of code (how readable it is, how well organized it is, etc.) is 15%. Late penalty: 4 points for each 24 hours or part thereof that your submission is late. This is somewhat tentative and may change slightly at a later date.