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1. Over the semester, you will be working in a group of two, even though this 1st assignment is an individual one.
2. This assignment 1 is worth 20% of the total marks for this Unit. Your are required to build your own website with raw HTML5, CSS, Javascript and SQL. You are not allowed to use any packages such as Dreamweaver, Visual Studio or any other website building software. The site must be created according to the required standards or specifications (see below for more explanation).
3. You will have full access to a virtual Microsoft Windows 2008 server and will be expected to maintain it. You will be given an administrator account and initial password. Follow the instructions given by Bruce Kneale (subject to changes) to use your Virtual Machine (VM). (this hyperlink should work properly when you view this assignment 1 page on your VM). Features not implemented on the prescribed VM will not be given marks.
4. Make sure that you DO NOT CHANGE other ADMINISTRATOR accounts created by Bruce as this would otherwise mean that marker/s will not be able to access your server for the marking. This may attract a penalty of 20% in marks.
5. Quality of the work, including such as the proficient and effective use of the technologies and techniques, code validation according HTML 5 and CSS 3, ease of navigation, consistent and aesthetically pleasing look and feel across the site, will also be a major factor of consideration for the top grades.
6. You must both submit your whole website (zipped together using zip) electronically, and have the whole website set up properly on your allocated Virtual Machine, all by the due date.
1. Basic Webpages and Content. (6 marks)
On the designated virtual machine, create a website of your own for the Apache server (at port 80), consisting of at least a home page and 3 or so others, to demonstrate page linking.
This site should be about the various books on modern computing or IT technologies, featuring their respective prominent technological aspects and their corresponding applicability in the IT industry.
One of these pages, or just a section of one of these pages, should be about yourself, the creator of this site, your former study and/or work experience and perhaps your career goal.
Include some transparent and non-transparent graphics, different text sizes and colours, at least one table illustrative of all the major table features, and various layouts using HTML5.
Please DO NOT use any Content Management System or any web authoring tools (other than a plain text editor like notepad++) at this stage although you are free to make use of any image editors