Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: THEend8_
You are working for a company called Courage which produces desktop and mobile games. The
company is developing a new game called Breaker. Breaker is a simple Breakout style game,
the company has chosen java for the programming language and gradle for the build system to
develop the game.
The player controls a paddle which is in charge of launching the ball. The player will interact with
the paddle using the keyboard arrow keys. When the game is launched, the paddle will be in the
bottom-centre of the screen with a ball resting on top of it. The player can move the paddle in
this state, using the left arrow key to move left and the right arrow key to move right. Once the
space key has been pressed, the ball will launch.
The paddle is the determining factor for changing the vector of the ball. When the ball lands on
the paddle it will interpolate and adjust the x and y component based on the centre of the
paddle. When the ball lands in the centre of the paddle, the x-component will be 0 and the ycomponent will be 5 , when landing on the edge or corner of the paddle, the x-component will be
5 and the y-component will be 0 (it cannot result in 0 as the ball would continue to bound
between the side of the wall and the paddle). You can refer to the algorithim section to assist
with calculating the new x component and y component of the vector.
The paddle will be 40 pixels wide and 10 pixels high (40×10).
The ball is the primary object that determines if the player wins or loses the game. It is used to
destroy Brick objects within the level and will determine if the player wins by destroying all bricks
or loses when the ball y-coordinate exceeds the screen’s height. The Ball has a vector which
dictates its direction and velocity, you will need to use this vector as part of your rebound
We will provide a rebound algorithm to deal handle collision detection and rebounds.
To note, the collision detection component of this game is typically the most difficult part as there
are corner cases to consider. Getting this component absolutely correctly is not necessary and we
do encourage you to use a simple collision detection as noted in the algorithms section.
A level or stage is constructed with bricks. When a Ball contacts a Brick, it will be destroyed and
will no longer be collidable by the ball. A Brick will have 20 pixels wide and 10 pixels hight
(20×10). A Brick will have an assigned assigned sprite which you will be able to access from the
resources folder in your gradle project.
To allow other employees to work on the game after the prototype, you will need to use a JSON
parser and load a level. JSON is a serialisable and human readable data format which can be
communicated over a network and used as a file for applications. Using the json–simple
package and the following documentation, you will be able to load the level and construct it prior
to gameplay.
Each level will contain the following fields:
name – String, will be the name of the level
bricks – Array, will store individual bricks with their own x-y coordinates
brick – Object, will hold an x and y coordinate and a sprite id. All brick objects will use
maintain the same size as defined in the Brick section.
The walls of a level will be the boundary of the screen itself, if the ball exceeds screen width or
ball x is 0, the ball will be rebound. If the ball hits the top of the screen it will also rebound,
however the ball will not rebound if it hits the bottom of the screen.
“name” : “Level1”,
“bricks” : [
“x” : 0,
“y” : 0,
“id” : “brick_blue”
“x” : 20,
“y” : 0,
“id” : “brick_red”
“x” : 40,
“y” : 0,
“id” : “brick_pink”
Game Conditions
The goal of the is for the player to destroy all bricks. The player wins when the following
conditions have been met.
All bricks have been destroyed
The player will lose when
The ball reches the bottom of the screen and cannot be hit by the paddle.
Artists within the company have produced sprites for your game. You have been provided a
/resources folder which your code access directly. These assets are loadable using the
loadImage method attached the PApplet type. Please refer to the processing documentation
when loading and drawing an image.
Algorithms that may come in handy!
It is likely you will need to utilise the following algorithms and patterns within your project. You
will need to identify where you will utilise these algorithms and document them in your readme
file (README.md or README.txt).
Given two known points on a number line, we want to extract a new point given some distance
value from one of the points. d Is used as a percentage between these two points.
p1 = 7
p2 = 3
diff = abs(p1 – p2)
d = 0.25 //number between 0.0 and 1.0, distance from
new_point = p1 + (diff * d) //new point using p1 as a base
Collision Detection (AABB with modifications)
Since all entities within the game can contain an axis aligned bounding box. You may implement
the following collision detection method.
Marking Criteria (12%)
Your final submission is due on 9th of February at 11:59PM AEST. Please make sure you submit
your code
to Ed.
Final Code Submission (6%)
Window launches and shows black background.
Paddle is rendered and can be moved by the user.
Bricks are rendered
Win condition can be reached by the player.
Loss condition can be reached when the player’s ball goes below the screen.
Bricks are destroyed when hit by the ball.
Ball can collide with the paddle.
Ball correctly changes velocity as described.
Ensure your application does not repeat large sections of logic, try to minimise
Ensure your application code exhibits good OO principles (Utilising inheritance,
interfaces and classes effectively).
Additional requirements (2%) will be announced after the milestone deadline which
will need to be implemented.
Extension (2%)
You really want to impress! Add an additional feature to the game. We have provided some
extension ideas but you are free to implement your own extension, please check with your tutor
for approval.
You will need to outline your extension idea within your readme so the marker knows what to
look for. Some ideas that you can implement:
rebound(movingBox, rect):
if (movingBox.x + movingBox.width + movingBox.speed_x > rect.x &&
movingBox.x + movingBox.speed_x < rec.x + rect.width &&
movingBox.y + movingBox.height > rect.y &&
movingBox.y < rect.y + rect.height)
movingBox.speed_x *= -1;
if (movingBox.x + movingBox.width > rect.x &&
movingBox.x < rec.x + rect.width &&
movingBox.y + movingBox.height + movingBox.speed_y > rect.y &&
movingBox.y + movingBox.speed_y < rect.y + rect.height)
movingBox.speed_y *= -1;
2 Player mode, two players can play the game at the same time on the same computer, this
tank will be using a different sprite to the one provided.
Network play, Your game can create a server where two people can play the game from
different computers.
Add sound effects to your game, make those visual pop with some sound effects.
Milestone (2%)
To ensure progress has been made within on your project. You will need to submit a working