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CP2403/CP3413: Project – Part 2
In Project Part 2, you will required to apply appropriate data management, data visualization and
data analytic techniques for a given scenario. The techniques required to complete this project are
covered in Module 1 – Module 10 of the subject. You will have to explain what conclusions you draw
after completing the different data analytics.
This project consists of Part A and Part B.
Part A:
The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) was formed in 1949 to study
the ecological aspects of the sardine population collapse off California. CalCOFI conducts quarterly
cruises off southern & central California, collecting a suite of hydrographic and biological data on
station and underway. The CalCOFI data set represents the longest (1949-present) and most
complete (more than 50,000 sampling stations) time series of oceanographic in the world.