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Comp6310 Systems, Networks and Concurrency
This assignment should be done individually. The assignment consists of writing a program and demonstrating it.
This assignment is marked by demonstration if you can’t complete it on time (i.e. week 5, then show your tutor what you have done and then do a re-submission week 6). Resubmissions will be allowed until end of week 6. I encourage all students to aim for 5/5 for this mini assignment.
Your tutor, will mark the assignment demonstration that you will give. One purpose of the demonstration is for other students to watch, learn and become inspired. Your tutor, can ask you to explain your code as a check that you wrote the assignment yourself.
I strongly suggest that you build the assignment over the weekend or in the evenings – it’s likely that a two-hour tutorial is not long enough for a student to complete the assignment to a satisfactory level.
Students can work at different levels according to their preferences; the grade you will achieve will depend on the functionality of the submitted program as shown in the marking rubric later in this document. If you are pressed for time skip the Investor report (only 1 mark)
You can ask for help in the tutorials and at PALS, but nobody should do the assignment for you (this is your chance to learn programming on a more realistic problem than the tutorials).
In many ways this is a practice Assignment – the assignment is of similar difficulty, here is a chance to practice and get help so you can confidently attack the main assignment.
Here in Australia the housing market is divided into mainly 2 kinds of purchasers.
The system you need to build helps both kinds of customers with different reports by providing the following services:
The Current Interest Rates are:
Bank | Loan Type | Interest Rate | Loan Establishment fee | Max percent able to be borrowed |
WESTPAC | HOME | 3.79% | 395 | 80% |
WESTPAC | INV | 3.89% | 395 | 95% |
COMB | HOME | 3.79% | 600 | 95% |
COMB | INV | 3.99% | 600 | 95% |
ANZ | HOME | 3.69% | 600 | 95% |
ANZ | HOME2 | 3.63% | 600 | 80% |
NAB | HOME | 3.54% | 790 | 95% |
NAB | INV | 4.86% | 0 | 95% |
BEYOND | HOME2 | 3.79% | 0 | 95% |
Loan Term in Years is 30 years (or 30*12 months = 360 months, 360 Payments)
NOTE1: The above rates and information is based on reality but is not reality, its simplified for the assignment. Banks have all kinds of varying terms and conditions to make it hard to compare one bank with another.
NOTE2: Westpac and NAB do not actually have a loan establishment fees as shown. I am using it as an approximation for the assignment, the above table is not a reflection of reality it’s a first-year assignment example.