Correctly applied equations
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Marking rubric
Task Description Mark Scale 1 (0) Scale 2 (0.5) Scale 3 (1) Scale 4 (1.5) Scale 5 (2)
1.1 Computing LA10, LA90 and LAeq 1 0/1 - Did not correctly apply equations to
compute LA10, LA90 and LAeq
0.5/1 - Partially applied equations to compute
LA10, LA90 and LAeq
1/1 - Correctly applied equations to
compute LA10, LA90 and LAeq
1.2 Produce similar x-y plots to Figure 1 in the
lab handout showing the instantaneous
sound pressure level in dB(A)
1 0/1 - No figures provided 0.5/1 - Incomplete figures, missing results of
LAeq, LA10 or LA90; missing figure caption;
missing axis labels
1/1 - Correct figures
1.3 Provide a brief description (no more than
300 words) to describe the types of sounds
that have influenced LAeq, LA10 and LA90.
2 0/2 - No description provided, incorrect
description of LAeq and LA90
1/2 - Partial description of the types of
sounds that have influenced LAeq, LA10
and LA90
2/2 - Clear and
concise description
of the types of
sounds that have
influenced LAeq,
LA10 and LA90
2.1 Provide an x-y plot for each of the Youtube
recordings showing the instantaneous sound
pressure level and the selected noise
2 0/2 - No figure provided, incorrect figure 0.5/2 - Figures missing or incomplete figures,
missing results; missing figure caption; missing
axis labels; missing noise descriptors (need to
have at least two descriptors per figure)
1/2 - Incomplete figures; missing figure
caption; missing axis labels;
1.5/2 - Minor information
missing on figures
2/2 - Correct figures
2.2 Identify the correct noise type (steady noise,
impulsive noise, intermittent noise) for each
of the recordings
1 0/1 - No noise type provided, incorrectly
identify the noise type for all three non-
steady sounds
0.5/1 - Partially identified the correct noise
type for each recording
1/1 - Correctly identified the noise type
for each recording
2.3 Discuss which noise descriptors are more
appropriate to characterise steady noise,
impulsive noise and intermittent noise.