PSYA02: Introduction to Clinical, Developmental
Creation date:2024-06-22 16:25:19
Introduction to Clinical, Developmental
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PSYA02: Introduction to Clinical, Developmental, Social, and Personality Psychology
The peerScholar composition is worth 19 points of your final PSYA02 grade. The 19 points are
distributed in three phases.
Phase 1: Create (2 of 19 points)
Submit a rough draft of your composition to peerScholar by Sunday, June 2nd at 11:59pm EST.
This section is only graded for completion or partial completion, as follows:
• 2 POINTS: Drafts that are between 750 words or 1000 words AND have at least one
scholarly source plus the textbook cited in the text and in a reference list will receive the
full 2 points for this section.
• 1 POINT: Drafts that are 150 words above or below the word limit AND have at least
one scholarly source plus the textbook cited in the text and in a reference list will
receive 1 point for this section.
• 0 POINTS: Drafts that are under 600 words OR that are over 1150 words OR are in
bullet-point form OR are missing a scholarly source OR are missing the textbook citation
will receive 0 points for this section. Drafts missing a reference list OR missing in-text
citations will also receive 0 points for this section. Drafts that do not make a serious
attempt to complete the assignment may also receive 0 points for this section.
Phase 2: Assess (4 of 19 points)
Evaluate the work of four of your peers on peerScholar by Sunday, June 9th at 11:59pm EST.
You will be asked to provide three types of feedback for each peer:
• A numeric mark out of 10. This is just for the peer’s information and it does not factor
into their grade.
• One piece of positive feedback. This should be something that the peer did well in their
• One piece of constructive feedback. This should be something that the peer could
improve before turning in their final draft.
Your grade for this section will be based only on your constructive feedback. You will receive 1
point for each peer evaluation if your constructive feedback is specific and if it relates to the
assignment description found on Quercus and/or this rubric. Your feedback must be actionable
(in other words, it must ask the peer to DO something to change their work). You should be
sure to describe specific ways that the peer could better address that description and improve
their work.
You are welcome and encouraged to make mechanical corrections (e.g., grammar, spelling,
formatting) to your peer’s paper or to suggest that the peer use more sources, but these
mechanical corrections do NOT count as constructive feedback.
All peer drafts, regardless of how well they are completed, could use some peer feedback. It is
not acceptable to write that a draft is ‘perfect’ and there is nothing to change.
For some help in constructing peer feedback, consider watching this brief video!
Phase 3: Revise and Reflect (13 of 19 points)
Based on the feedback that you receive from your peers, you will revise and resubmit your
paper as a final draft by Sunday, June 23rd at 11:59pm EST.
The course TAs will use the following guidelines to assign you up to 13 points for this phase, as
Reflection Statement (2 points)
You will be asked to write a brief reflection statement about your peers’ evaluations of your
work. In this statement, you must describe in specific terms how you chose to address the
feedback that your peers gave you. For each piece of constructive feedback that you received,
you should:
• Describe how you incorporated that feedback into your paper, using specific examples
from your work.
• Explain why you chose not to incorporate that feedback into your paper, justifying your
Because you will have received 4 peer reviews, you will receive 0.5 points for each review that
you specifically reflect upon in your statement.
Final Essay (11 points)
Your paper will be marked as follows on each of the criteria below:
Criterion Value
(fractional points may be
assigned at the discretion
of the TA in 0.25 mark
Describing the article you have chosen. You should answer the following
questions in this section:
• What was the main research question of the study? (1 point)
• What hypotheses or predictions did the researcher have when
they began the work? (1 point)
• What population did the researcher study? (1 point)
• What method did the researcher use? (1 point)
• What were the main results of the study? (1 point)
5 points
Finding a Social Media Post & Summarizing the Content
• A screenshot of a social media post or a link to the social media
post that was related to the selected article was included (0.5
• The summary addressed the following questions:
o Who was the social media post designed for? In other
words, who was the target audience? (0.5 points)
o What message did the social media post convey? (0.5
o Was the message effective and clearly conveyed? Or was
the message unclear and confusing? (0.5 points)
2 points
Analysis of the social media post using the selected article and two
sections/ modules of the textbook.
• Evaluate whether or not the social media post was accurate in its
claims. Why or why not? (1 point)
• What modifications would you make to the social media post to
make it more effective and accurate? (1 point)
• Was the selected article and at least two sections/modules of the
textbook referenced to support the analysis? (1 point)
3 points
Format & Mechanics
• Correct APA format for in-text citations and reference list.
• 750-1000 words, including reference list. Papers that do not
adhere to this word count will receive 0 points in this section.
0.5 points
General Flow & Effectiveness
• TAs will evaluate the general flow and effectiveness of the