FIT5037 Network Security Assignment
Creation date:2024-06-20 17:40:23
Network Security Assignment
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FIT5037 Network Security Assignment
1 Overview
The learning objective of this assignment is for you to gain a first-hand experience on network attacks (i.e.,
TCP and DNS attacks) and get a deeper understanding on how to launch these attacks in practice. All
tasks in this assignment can be done on the virtual machine
2 Submission Policy
You need to submit a lab report (one single PDF file) to describe what you have done and what you have
observed with screen shots whenever necessary; you also need to provide explanation or codes to the
observations that are related to the tasks. In your report, you are expected to answer all the questions
listed in this manual. Typeset your report into .pdf format (make sure it can be opened with Adobe
Reader) and name it as the format: [Your Name]-[Student ID]-FIT5037-Assignment, e.g.,
All source code if required should be embedded in your report. In addition, if a demonstration video is
required, you should record your screen demonstration with your voice explanation and upload the video
to your Monash Google Drive. For video demonstration, you are required to say your name and
student ID at the start of recording, showing face is optional. The shared URL of the video
should be mentioned in your report wherever required. Then, please upload the PDF file to
Moodle. Note: the assignment is due on October 17th, 2021, Sunday, 11:59:59 am (Firm!).
Late submission penalty: 10-point deduction per day. If you require a special consideration, the
application should be submitted and notified at least three days in advance. Zero tolerance on plagiarism:
If you are found cheating, penalties will be applied, i.e., a zero grade for the unit.
3 Environment Setup
In this section, you need to double check whether you have configured GNS3 correctly. We will be using
the Week08 lab configuration, i.e., your GNS3 configuration should look like below:
Figure 1: GNS3 Config
Otherwise, if you just downloaded the VM for the first time, we refer you to Environment Setup
FIT5037 Assignment
4 TCP Attacks – Using Scapy [40 Marks]
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a core protocol of the Internet protocol suite. It sits on top
of the IP layer, and provides a reliable and ordered communication channel between applications running
on networked computers. TCP is in a layer called Transport layer, which provides host-to-host
communication services for applications. To achieve such reliable and order communication, TCP requires
both ends of a communication to maintain a connection. Unfortunately, when TCP was developed, no
security mechanism was built into this protocol, making it possible for attackers to eavesdrop on
connections, break connections or hijack connections. In this section, you are required to perform these
attacks using Scapy—a packet manipulation tool for computer networks written in Python.
4.1 Task 1: TCP Reset Attacks [15 Marks]
In the stream of packets of a TCP connection, each packet contains a TCP header. In the header, there is
a bit known as the ”reset” (RST) flag. In most packets, this bit is set to 0 and has no effect; however, if
this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the receiver should immediately stop using the TCP connection. That
means it should not send back any more packets using the connection’s identifying numbers, called ports,
and discard any further packets with headers belong to that connection. A TCP reset basically kills a
TCP connection instantly.
It is possible for a third computer (aka attacker) to monitor the TCP packets on the connection and then
send a ”forged” packet containing a TCP reset to one or both endpoints. The headers in the forged packet
must indicate, falsely, that it came from an endpoint, not the forger. This information includes the
endpoint IP addresses and port numbers. Every field in the IP and TCP headers must be set to a
convincing forged value for the fake reset to trick the endpoint into closing the TCP connection.
The idea is quite simple: to break up a TCP connection between A and B, the attacker just spoofs a TCP
RST packet from A to B or from B to A.
Q1: Connect from Internal-Client to Internal-Server using SSH (use apt install ssh if SSH
is not installed), the username and password are same: msfadmin. Perform TCP RST attack,
from Internal-Attacker workstation, on SSH service using Scapy (python-based) packet generator.
Internal-Client terminal should show the connection is terminated. Please submit your python code
and the steps, along with video link showing that you have performed the attack. (Python code: 5
marks, explanation during recording demonstration: 5 marks)
Q2: Briefly explain the TCP RST attack and propose at least two theoretical countermeasures. You do
not have to do any configuration/implementation for this task. (Explanation: 2.5 marks, counter-
measures: 2.5 marks)
4.2 Task 2: TCP Session Hijacking Attacks [25 Marks]
Once a TCP client and server finish the three-way handshake protocol, a connection is established, and we
call it a TCP session. From then on, both ends can send data to each other. Since a computer can have
multiple concurrent TCP sessions with other computers, when it receives a packet, it needs to know which
TCP session the packet belongs to. TCP uses four elements to make that decision, i.e., to uniquely
identify a session: (1) source IP address, (2) destination IP address, (3) source port number, and (4)
destination port number.
We call these four fields as the signature of a TCP session. As we have already learned, spoofing packets is
not difficult. What if we spoof a TCP packet, whose signature matches that of an existing TCP session on
the target machine? Will this packet be accepted by the target? Clearly, if the above four elements match
with the signature of the session, the receiver cannot tell whether the packet comes from the real sender or
an attacker, so it considers the packet as belonging to the session.
FIT5037 Assignment
However, for the packet to be accepted, one more critical condition needs to be satisfied. It is the TCP
sequence number. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol and treats data as a stream, so each octet in the
TCP session has a unique sequence number, identifying its position in the stream. The TCP header
contains a 32-bit sequence number field, which contains the sequence number of the first octet in the
payload. When the receiver gets a TCP packet, it places the TCP data (payload) in a buffer; where
exactly the payload is placed inside the buffer depends on the sequence number. This way, even if TCP
packets arrive out of order, TCP can always place their data in the buffer using the correct order.
The objective of this task is to hijack an existing TCP connection (session) between client and server by
injecting malicious contents into their session.
Q3: Connect TELNET from Internal-Client to Internal-Server, the username and password are
same: msfadmin. Write a python code, using Scapy, which can inject packets in the TELNET communica-
tion, the goal is to make a directory called “attacker” at the Internal-Server (as seen in the screenshot
below). You can use Internal-Attacker workstation to run the python code. Submit python code and
steps, along with video link that demonstrates you have performed the attack. (Python code: 5 marks,
explanation during recording demonstration: 5 marks)
Figure 2: Directories in Internal-Server
Q4: Connect TELNET from Internal-Client to Internal-Server. The objective is to get a reverse
shell from Internal-Server. Reverse shell is a shell process running on a remote machine, connecting
back to the attacker’s machine.
Write a python code, using Scapy, which can inject packets in TELNET communication and create a
reverse shell from Internal-Server to Internal-Attacker (as seen in the screenshot below, in this case
the Internal-Server’s IP address is Submit python code and steps, along with video link
showing that you have performed the attack. (Python code: 5 marks, explanation during recording
demonstration: 5 marks)
Figure 3: Receiving reverse shell
Q5: Connect SSH from Internal-Client to Internal-Server, the username and password are same:
msfadmin. Perform same TCP hijacking attacks as you did for TELNET, i.e. make attacker directory in
Internal-Server and create a reverse shell from Internal-Server to Internal-Attacker by hijacking
SSH connection. If your attacks are successful, please submit python code and steps, along with video
link showing that you have performed the attacks. If your attacks were unsuccessful, explain the reason in
detail. (Python Code and Explanation during recording demonstration: 5 marks)
5 DNS Attacks – Using Scapy [60 Marks]
Domain Name System (DNS) is an essential component of the Internet infrastructure. It serves as the
phone book for the Internet, so computers can look up for “telephone number” (i.e. IP addresses) from
domain names. Without knowing the IP address, computers will not be able to communicate with one
another. Due to its importance, the DNS infrastructure faces frequent attacks. In this section, you will
explore the most primary attack on DNS. That is DNS cache poisoning by investigating both Local and
Remote DNS cache poisoning attacks.