Entrepreneurship and Innovation MGT807
Creation date:2024-06-19 15:32:25
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Assessment Title Entrepreneurial Industry Analysis (Poster and Video
Learning Outcome/s b,c,d,e
Assessment type (group or
Weighting 25%
Word count Poster: 300-500 words
Video-recording: 5 minutes
Due date Week 5 (end of day, Sunday)
Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐
Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin x
Assessment instructions
(clear, succinct, without repetition)
Identify a specific location’s entrepreneurship ecosystem in
Australia. The location can be a specific city, local
government area, or a wider region in Australia.
For the chosen location, identify the following key elements
of the entrepreneurial ecosystem:
a) Entrepreneurial innovations and key ideas;
b) Sources and key stakeholders of the identified
innovations (e.g., individuals, organisations, start-up
hubs, communities);
c) Networks and connections between key
stakeholders (e.g., B2B, B2C, C2C, B2G);
d) Relevant value chains that enhance the ecosystem;
e) Resources to support the ecosystem and relevant
key innovations (e.g., funding programs);
f) Created skills, markets, industries, and economic
growth due to the entrepreneurial ecosystem;
g) Gaps within the ecosystem and what actions might
be needed to bridge these gaps;
h) The role you might play within the ecosystem.
Summarise the above key elements in a poster presentation.
The poster should utilise good poster design attributes by
combining relevant text (500-1000 words) and visualisations
(e.g., images and graphs). You can use statistics where
necessary. Dimensions of the poster should be equivalent to
an A2 size paper (420 x 594 mm). You can use Microsoft
products such as PowerPoint or Publisher, Adobe products
such as Illustrator or Photoshop, or online platforms such as
Canva, Visme, or Miro to create the poster.
As part of this assessment, you will deliver a 5-minute
recorded video presentation, which needs to be submitted
along with the poster in Moodle.
Readings for the assessment
(instructions where they can be
found e.g. MyAthens database,
Moodle etc.)
• Lecture notes (Moodle)
• Online research
MGT807: Entrepreneurship & Innovation | Individual Assignment
Grading Criteria / Rubric Please refer to the marking rubric posted in Moodle.
Peer Review Evaluation
(group work – optional)