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COMM5030 Teaching Team
1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Overview of Assessments 3. Discussion: Social Entrepreneurship 4. Industry Partner/ Client 5. Team Formation 6. Preparation for the 1st Client Meeting Introduce yourself to your class group (maximum 1 minute). Tell us: 1. Your name 2. Your major/ specialization 3. How can your background/expertise/skills/experience contribute to the group project? 4.Your hobbies ➢ Read the Course Outline & Assessment Handbook ➢ Your UNSW email: check regularly ➢ Announcements for lectures & workshops ➢ Use Course Q&A for questions related to the unit ➢ Other topics ➢ You need to attend and will only be allowed to form a group with peers in your timetabled workshop. ➢ Students are expected to attend both the lecture and workshops weekly. Live lecture recordings are not available unless a student has an approval of their special learning plan (an equitable learning plan). ➢ If you are absent, please let your workshop facilitator know ➢ Using “Course Q&A” Forums on Moodle • Assessment and other class activities related questions should be posted on Course Q&A rather than emailing the teaching team • Personal questions can be emailed to the teaching team ➢ Consultation: by appointment with your Workshop Facilitator ➢ Assistance with assessments, including feedback ➢ Any major difficulties that impact your learning experience.
-> choose Special consideration Please post your questions in the Course Q & A if you have any further questions about the assessments (A discussion thread was created for each Assessment) You can download the Assessment Handbook via Assessment Hub on Moodle Academic Integrity REMINDERS: • Review the Assessment Details/ Handbook thoroughly. Plagiarism is a serious breach of ethics at UNSW and is not taken lightly. Instances of plagiarism will be referred to the School Student Integrity Officer for review and educative action as appropriate. Penalties may be applied. • Check Similarity Score before submitting your assignment. • While you cannot check AI use score on Turnitin, please ensure that your assignments are completed with integrity and originality. The use of Generative AI tools for your assessments in this course you are permitted to use software to brainstorm topics. However, the written or presentation work needs to be entirely yours. You must develop or edit those ideas to such a significant extent that what is submitted is your own work. You cannot use AI to create your written report and presentation. You are 100% responsible for your assessment submission. It is a good idea to keep copies of the initial prompts to show your lecturer if there is any uncertainty about the originality of your work. If the outputs of generative AI such as ChatGPT form a part of your submission, it will be regarded as serious academic misconduct and subject to the standard penalties, which may include 00FL, suspension and exclusion. RESPONSIBLE USE OF GENERATIVE AI TOOLS MAINTAIN YOUR ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PROTECT PERSONAL INFORMATION VERIFY ACCURACY OF AI OUTPUTS GUIDELINES FOR TRANSLATION TOOLS Always refer to your course outline or course convenor on the use of AI Remember that each course and assessment task may have different guidelines regarding AI tools. It is your responsibility to check whether the use of AI is allowed in each of your courses and assessments. Do not copy-and-paste AI generated material and claim it as your own You should acknowledge any AI-generated content you include in your assessments, including quotes, paraphrases, or summaries. Rewriting AI generated outputs into your own words still requires proper attribution. Do not include your own or others’ personal or private information in prompts This includes personal addresses, emails, phone numbers, zID, intellectual property (such as a thesis), as well as any other sensitive information. NB: For data privacy and protection sign in to Microsoft Copilot with your UNSW zID. It won’t retain your information or train on any of your data. Verify and critique all AI generated material Generative AI tools can produce invalid or unreliable information, aka ‘fabrications’ or ‘hallucinations’. In addition, some outputs may contain bias. Always verify the information these tools provide and refer to reliable and credible sources. If you are unsure about any information or need guidance book an appointment with Academic Skills Avoid using AI tools to translate your ideas (unless given permission) Relying on generative AI to translate your writing into English can negatively impact your learning and reduce the distinctiveness of your work. Additionally, you may find it challenging to explain AI generated content to others. Check with your convenor on whether the use of AI to translate your work is allowed in your course. CHECK YOUR COURSE GUIDELINES PROTECT PERSONAL INFORMATION FOR MORE INFO VISIT UNSW’S ‘USE OF AI FOR ASSESSMENTS’ SEE UNSW’S ‘GUIDE FOR REFERENCING AND ACKNOWLEDGING AI’ A G U I D E F O R U N S W S T U D E N T S https://www.student.unsw.edu.au/notices/2024/05/ethical-and-responsible-use-artificial-intelligence-unsw Key readings 1. Please share your definition/understanding of social entrepreneurship? What is the role of social entrepreneurship for addressing societal grand challenges? 2. Why are social enterprises described as hybrid organizations? What key features distinguish them as such? 3. Can you share with us a social enterprise example that you know? What do they do and their (targeted) impacts? Life Dance Community Life Dance Community brings people together through the joy of dance to build meaningful social connections and improve overall health and wellbeing in our community. 11 Now you will be asked to form teams for your project. This is the team you will remain with for the whole term. • Team sizes will be between 4 to 6 people. • Let’s aim to form a diverse team (background, expertise/skills, etc) • Please nominate a representative to post your proposed team under your workshop Wall by the end of your workshop, following the template provided in W17A COMM5030 Week 1- Team Formation Proposal (padlet.org) Your Project Manager will finalize the team formation. ▪ Review project brief as a team ▪ Brainstorm Team Questions: Each team, please draft questions that your like to ask the client. You may use Padlet link COMM5030 Questions for 1st Client Meeting (padlet.org) and post up your group questions in your "Workshop Wall“ ▪ Review & Select 2 Workshop-Wide Questions: Once all teams have posted their questions, as a workshop group, collectively choose up to 2 top questions to ask the client during Meeting 1. (Each group may nominate a representative to coordinate this task). ▪ A representative of the workshop post these questions by adding a comment under “2 workshop-wide questions” in your "Workshop Wall“COMM5030 Questions for 1st Client Meeting (padlet.org) ideally during the workshop and by 11am Monday June 3rd (Week 2).