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Economics of Finance
ECON5106 Administrative Matters
Forums You are expected to check course announcement and use general discussion forum for any general questions. You are welcome to give answer if you know the answer. You are expected to use weekly discussion forums to discuss content related to specific weeks. When you have a question, ask yourself: • Is there a discussion on the forums already? • Should I post the question there so that other students may benefit? 1-3 Assessment 1-4 Assessment Task Weighting Length Specs Paticipation 15% Entire term 3 (engagement) marks*5 (full attendance), see below. Assignment 1 (Individual) 20% 2 Weeks Document will be released at the beginning of Week 3. Due date: 10:00am, Monday, June 24 (Week 5). Assignment 2 (Group) 20% 5 Weeks Document will be released at the end of Week 5. Due date: 10:00am, Monday, July 29 (Week 10). Online Final Exam 45% 2 Hours UNSW Exam period. It will have an wide access window (to be announced). Participation You participation mark can be expressed as E*A, where: E is the “engagement mark” the LIC and Tutors gives you based on your performance in accordance with the guidance in this slides. Full mark is 3, and an average student will get 1.8-2.4 (CR or DN) on this. A is the “attendance mark” based on your attendance record. Full mark is 5. Throughout the term, you will be allowed one time “no question asked” absence from the seminars. Unless valid certificate is produced, any other absence will lead to 1 mark deduction on A, until fully diminished. For example, if you are absent from 3 seminar classes, you will get 5-(3-1)=3 marks. Feedback about participation will be provided in Week 6. 1-5 Assessment Details You must complete the Working with Academic Integrity module AND the module’s quiz found on your course Moodle site before submitting any written assessment by the due date. Non-compliance with the UNSW Student Code may result in disciplinary action. If your assignment submission is delayed because you did not complete the module and the quiz, you may be liable to late penalties. Failing to comply with the University rules of Academic integrity may result in serious consequences: 1. All cases of plagiarism (regardless of their severity) ARE recorded with the University Integrity Office University register. 2. Depending on the level of the plagiarism/misconduct, the penalties may include a FAIL grade for the assessment piece, a FAIL grade for the course, or being expelled for serious/repeat offences. Any misconduct, including plagiarism, is recorded on your Conduct Record. 1-6 Individual Assignment • The assignment 1 will be individual assignment. Students will be asked to apply economic theories to explain real world situation and extend their scopes to academic articles. • Students will need to submit a report in response to 4-5 questions. • It provides students the opportunity to showcase the ability to apply learned techniques to practical problems. • Discussion is encouraged, but students need to submit the report independently. 1-7 Group Assignment • The assignment 2 will be a group project, in which students will work in groups of 2-3 students. The assignment will help students to appreciate how economic theories can be used to explain real world scenarios. Each group will need to write a report in response to a few assigned questions. We expect a higher quality of report from a 3-student group than the quality from a 2-student group. • Each group's members are required to complete a Project Charter for the assignment. Detailed instruction and a template will be provided in due course. The Project Charter will outline the responsibilities of each group member. • A combined file of all members’ Certificates of Academic Integrity should be included in the submission. • After the submission, your final assignment mark will consider your peers’ rating to your contribution. The peer rating is used to assess the quality of each member's teamwork and individual contribution to the assignment. 1-8 Final exam • Final exam is online and is in the format of blank filling questions (i.e., input your answer directly – no choices given) and multiple choice questions, via Moodle. • Final exam covers the whole term and will be generally evenly distributed. • A wide access window (2 hrs exam time with at least 4 hours access window). • More details will be advised in the course website and in lectures – you are expected to come to the lectures and check the course site. • There can be a supplementary exam for the final exam, conditional on Special Consideration is approved. 1-9 Resources We will use the following textbook: • William F. Sharpe, “Macro-Investment Analysis”, Stanford University, manuscript. How you are expected to use textbook: • Reading materials related to the topics covered. • Exercises for the assignments and final exams. Extended Readings (see course outline for details): • William F. Sharpe, “Nuclear Financial Economics” • Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and John B. Donaldson, “Intermediate Financial Theory” 1-10 Approach to Lectures • Download the slides which will appear on the course website. • Use them when watching the lecture recordings and add any diagrams and extra points discussed in the lectures. • Use them as your revision notes for the course. • Not everything from the textbooks will be covered in lectures. • Lecture slides are not a summary of the textbook, or for that matter a substitute for reading the book. 1-11 • The seminar question sets provide you collections of exercise questions from the textbook. • The seminars, and their preparation, are very important. Take them seriously. • Attempt the seminar questions well in advance and take notes on the part you have questions with. • Although we will do our best, sometimes not all seminar questions will be discussed in the seminars. Review the seminar questions after the seminar, and make sure you understand. • Post question on forum, or book a consultation with your tutor/lecturer, if needed. • DO NOT accumulate questions. Approach to Seminars 1-12 When you write your email regarding course concerns: You should always read the course outline and check the Moodle forums as your question may already be answered here. Always use your UNSW email, and copy (cc) to all relevant staff members in your email. Include the following details in email subject: ECON5106-W18A: questions from John Smith (z12345678) How to address teaching staff? I. Simply use Hi Benoit, Hi Akashlina and Hi Brandon Email etiquette 1-13 In this course we have students from many backgrounds. Some need more work and more help to catch up. What is the state of your maths skills right now? A. About to flower B. In full bloom C. Past their best D. Growing cobwebs 1-14 Let’s find out a little about you! Active Learning – Key to Success • Read the assigned textbook pages before the lectures. • View lecture slides before watching lecture recordings • Watch the lecture recordings and take notes and ask questions. • Attempt the seminar questions before the seminar sessions. • Review the seminar questions and use the extra questions to test yourself (if any). Answer keys will be posted on Moodle. • Use the Moodle discussion forums and consultation hours to clarify questions.