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Information Systems 500
Assessment 3: Implementation Plan
INFO500 - Assessment 3 (v9)
Candidate Name:
Date/s of Assessment: Week 5
Qualification: Certificate IV in Business (BSB40120)
Unit/s of Competency /
elements to be assessed:
BSBINS402 Coordinate workplace information systems
BSBTEC404 Use Digital Technologies to collaborate in a work environment
Assessment Description: Task 1: This is a presentation task. First, develop a plan for implementing and
communicating digital technologies into the workplace. Then communicate and
promote the implementation plan to relevant stakeholders using methods and
strategies as outlined in your communication plan.
Presentation length: 10-12 minutes
Task 2: This task requires you to create and implement a system which will be used
to manage, store, update and retrieve information you have collected.
Due date: Week 5
Ability to produce spoken language to be demonstrated according to ISLPR
proficiency of 3/B2 CEFR.
Assessment 3 is worth 30% of your overall mark.
Assessment conditions: This assessment preparation is conducted not in class/at home
The project files will be submitted through the ‘Information Systems 500’ online
course page on ‘My Phoenix Online’.
The presentation is delivered either in class or submitted as a recording.
Instructions to
Assessor will need to use the assessment marking guide for the assessment.
Reasonable adjustment: Where a student has a disability or condition that affects their ability to complete
the assessment as set out in this document, adjustments can be made to allow
them to carry out the assessment. These adjustments will not interfere with the
assessment requirements set out in the unit of competency and associated training
Any adjustments to this assessment will be discussed and agreed upon by the
assessor and candidate prior to the date for the assessment.
Complaints and Appeals Any disputes regarding assessments results and grading will be dealt with between
the assessor and the students as per the Phoenix Academy Complaints and Appeals
Process outlined in the student handbook.
Copies of this process are also published around the school and are readily
accessible to students.
Information Systems 500
Assessment 3: Implementation Plan
INFO500 - Assessment 3 (v9)
Identified OHS hazards: None identified
Material and/or
resources required:
Computer Access to the ‘Information Systems 500’ page on ‘My Phoenix Online’.
Use of a computer with slideshow presentation software and access to the
Access to simulated organisation documents or candidate’s own relevant
organisational documents.
Access to MYOB
Information Systems 500
Assessment 3: Presentation
INFO500 - Assessment 3 (v9)
Developing a plan for implementation is critical to the success of the project. An implementation
plan can help with the following:
• It identifies both your short-term and long-term goals and objectives, lists the projects to be
completed, defines roles and responsibilities, outlines the budget and necessary human and
physical resources required, and lists any assumptions.
• It helps reduce disruption, anticipates problems or issues, and develops a timely response.
• It also helps you identify requirements and outcomes you need to monitor.
Before beginning implementation, you should also share your implementation plan with all
stakeholders and ensure it reflects organisational requirements, policies, and procedures.
Task 1: Develop and communicate a plan to introduce new
Develop a pla for implementing MYOB into your workplace systems
Communicate and promote the plan to relevant stakeholders.
1) Implementation plan:
Develop an implementation plan strategy based around the methodologies of project management:
• Be clear about the goals and objectives of your organisation so you can ensure your
implementation plan aligns with them.
• Establish the context in which the implementation will occur (stages, timelines, resources,
training requirements)
• Establish critical success factors
• Present the implementation plan using procedural tools and processes to monitor progress
(e.g., Gantt chart, project plan, workflow diagram, deployment chart, etc.)
2) Communication plan:
Develop a communication plan that considers appropriate communication strategies:
• Detail the lines of communication, time frames, and reporting lines
3) Training Plan:
Create a training and support model that suits the context. Include information about the following:
• change-averse and/or less-averse situations,
• different systems of understanding,
• individual feedback opportunities
• ongoing training
4) Presentation:
Present the implementation and communication plan to organisational staff at a team meeting,
including the following:
• Any relevant organisational requirements, policies, and procedures
• The elements of the implementation process
Information Systems 500
Assessment 3: Presentation
INFO500 - Assessment 3 (v9)
• The new work processes (including workflow processes) related to the new technology
• The training and support model
• The elements of the communication strategy
Communicate the implementation plan persuasively so that stakeholders accept your ideas and
information and are motivated to participate in the process.
5) Submission Requirements
• The presentation may either be delivered in class
• The presentation should be at least 10 minutes in length and no longer than 12 minutes.
• Present the information in a formal style presentation in a way that it can be easily
understood, such as use of slideshow with appropriate headings, graphs, tables, and/or
• Reference all sources of information using in-text citations following Chicago 17th
Referencing style
• Include a complete reference list of all cited sources which follows Chicago 17th Referencing
• Submit the presentation files and any supporting files (i.e. diagrams, spreadsheet files, etc.)
to the relevant section on the ‘Information Systems 500’ page of ‘My Phoenix Online’ by
the due date.
• Name the file using the following format:
LAST NAME, First name_INFO500_Assessment 3_Task 1
TASK 2: Implement and Manage Information Systems
This task requires you to create and implement a system which will be used to manage, store,
update and retrieve information you have collected from the organisation.
You must do the following:
1. Create a free MYOB student account:
2. Create all supplier contacts using all available information and produce a report of the
complete supplier list
3. Create all inventory items using all available information and produce a report of the
complete inventory list
4. Create a purchase order of one of the inventory items using all available information
• Submit the two reports and one purchase order to the relevant section on the ‘Information
Systems 500’ page of ‘My Phoenix Online’ by the due date.
• Name the files using the following format:
LAST NAME, First name_INFO500_Assessment 3_Task 2_Suppliers
LAST NAME, First name_INFO500_Assessment 3_Task 2_Inventory
LAST NAME, First name_INFO500_Assessment 3_Task 2_Purchase order
Information Systems 500
Assessment 3: Presentation
INFO500 - Assessment 3 (v9)
Assessment Criteria BSBINS402 BSBTEC404 Marks Max
S /
Task 1
1) Goals and objectives: identified, relevant to the new
technology, and how the technology will assist staff
in achieving goals and objectives is outlined
PC 4.2 PC 3.2 /6
Context: is established in detail, timeline included,
training requirements outlined
Success factors: included which measure success
and are related to organisational goals and
Implementation process verbally described and
visually illustrated using appropriate digital tool (e.g.,
Gantt chart, project plan, workflow diagram,
deployment chart, cause and effect diagram, etc.)
with sufficient detail
PC 4.1 PC 3.1 /2
2) Communication plan: includes reference to lines of
communication, time frames, reporting lines, is
relevant to the implementation plan and includes
clear, sufficient detail
PC 4.3 PC 3.2 /2
3) Training and support model: included which
references change-averse and/or less-averse
situations, different systems of understanding,
individual feedback opportunities, and ongoing
PC 4.3 PC 3.4 /2
4) Use of spoken language: clear, persuasive,
professional, and mostly free of errors
PC 4.4 PC 3.2 /6
Use of written language: clear, appropriate for a
professional business context, and free of errors
Formatting and style: style and formatting are
professional and clear
Task 2
1) Two reports and one purchase order are produced PC 3.1 /2
2) Information is accurate and complete PC 3.2 /2
3) All Task 2 requirements met PC 3.3 /1
Total: /23