CCT109H5F Contemporary Communication Technologies
Creation date:2024-06-17 16:46:00
Contemporary Communication Technologies
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CCT109H5F Contemporary Communication Technologies
Use template provided.
Assignment length varies
Font Times New Roman, 12 pt.
File Type Only .DOCX - you must use the template provided
Time Reading and Reverse outlining: 2-3 Hours
Assignment Goal & Learning Outcomes
The goal of this activity is to produce an outline of the scholarly article provided.
Why? This assignment will help you better understand how most academic and professional writing is
constructed. You will be able to use this understanding to read scholarly and professional writing more
It will be useful for the rest of CCT109, your career at U of T, and beyond.
What is a Reverse Outline?
A regular outline helps you to plan out what you are going to write before you start a paper. A reverse
outline allows an author to check on their organization after they have written a draft.
A reverse outline is also helpful for readings because it helps us see how an author has constructed their
big arguments; organized their thinking behind that argument; and collected evidence to support their
Assignment Guide
1. Assigned scholarly article: H. Hester (2017) “Technology Becomes Her,” New Vistas 3(1), 46-50.
2. Open and review the example posted to Quercus with this assignment. The example will help
you to think about both the sections of each paragraph.
3. Next, open the assigned reading alongside the template document (all available on Quercus).
4. Begin to read the paper. As you move through the paper, fill out the template document.
Breaking paragraphs into bullets and writing them in your own words: point, proof, commentary.
5. Complete the reading and the reverse outline.
6. At the end of your assignment, draft a short 250 response to the following prompt: what have
you learned from this assignment? Has it changed how you will tackle academic reading? What
is the benefit of a reverse outline when it comes to understanding an author's argument?
You will be assessed on the completeness of your outline; how well it reflects the actual structure of the
study; and if you’ve successfully captured the arguments, claims, and evidence provided by the author.
You will also be assessed on the quality of the assignment. In other words, does it appear rushed and
written at the last minute, does it show a real effort and thoughtful consideration of each section of the
assignment; is it properly cited and referenced; are their significant typos, grammatical errors, etc.
Additional Information
This is a low-stakes assignment, but it is an integral asset to building a skillset relevant to future
assignments in the course and the rest of your academic career. Focus on building the skillset of
summary and try not to worry about 'getting it perfect'.
Not everything will necessarily fit the structure of "Topic Sentence, Evidence and Analysis." Do
your best to follow this format, and make sure to explain why/why not this section was
effective, both on its own and in relation to the thesis/paper overall
You have to do the whole article! Completing only a portion of the article will result in a
significant mark reduction
Be sure that you read over assignment instructions carefully. If aspects still need clarification,
you can reach out to your TA. However, note that TA's may take up to 48 hours to respond, so
do not wait until the last minute to ask for help.