LAW46315: International Investment Law
Creation date:2024-06-17 16:17:25
International Investment Law
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LAW46315: International Investment Law
Summative Essay Title
‘In recent arbitral practice, the interpretation and application of most-favoured-nation
treatment clauses in investment treaties remain largely inconsistent. Such inconsistency is
undesirable in policy terms and is a manifestation of the fundamental flaws of the current
investor-State arbitration system.’
Word Limit: 3,000 words
(excluding footnotes and appendices, bibliography, contents,
tables of cases and title pages)
Submission deadline: Wednesday 15th May 2024 12.00 (midday) UK time
Essay formatting: minimum 11 point legible font (eg Arial or Times New Roman),
with minimum 1.5 line spacing and 1 inch margins. Place your
anonymous code and word count in the header of your essay.
Read these instructions carefully
1. Complete your essay on the essay template available on Learn Ultra, ensuring that
you add your anonymous code and word count to the header.
2. Do not include your name in the file name or assignment, if you do you will have
waived your right to anonymity
3. Important: Your submission title and filename should be your Z-code, eg Z0123456
4. To submit:
a. Go to the summative submission point in the relevant module page on Learn
b. Choose the file you want to upload to TurnitinUK, make sure you click
the UPLOAD butto
c. Check the preview, then click SUBMIT
Very important: Note the Paper ID (a 9 digit number), as this will be your receipt for
submission of your work.
By submitting your assignment, you confirm that it is your own work. If you submit your
assignment without including your correct anonymous Z code in the Submission Title, or in
the body of your assignment then you will have forfeited your right to anonymity.
You will only be able to submit once so please ensure you upload your final copy of your