ECON7200 Central Bank Report Marking Rubric
Creation date:2024-06-17 16:12:28
Central Bank Report Marking Rubric
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Central Bank Report Marking Rubric
(Marks for each part are given in parentheses, 30 marks in total)
4 3 2 1 0
Assessment and overview of Central Bank’s activities (6 marks)
Overview (3 marks) The report
• clearly identifies a
relevant Central
Bank, and provides
with evidence a
clear, coherent and
precise overview of
the Central Bank’s
activities, given in
the appropriate
context of the
country’s economic
situation in the past
10 years
• shows a very clear
between the
overview and the
assessment and
The report
• identifies a relevant
Central Bank, and
provides overall a
good overview of
the Central Bank’s
activities in an
economic context .
• shows some
between the
overview and the
assessment and
The report
• does not clearly
identify a relevant
Central Bank and
activities in an
economic context.
• does not reflect a
between the
overview and the
assessment and
No attempt shown
Assessment (3 marks) Excellent assessment of
the Central Bank’s
activities, with both its
merits and demerits
Satisfactory assessment
of the Central Bank’s
activities, addressing
both its merits and
Flawed assessment of
the Central Bank’s
activities with weak
arguments, or either the
No attempt shown
addressed in detail, and
the student’s
(dis)approval of the
activities is clearly
demerits, and the
student’s (dis)approval
of the activities is given
merits or demerits of its
activities are not
addressed, or the
student’s (dis)approval
of the activities is not
clear, or irrelevant
4 3 2 1 0
Explanation of Central Bank’s response to economic crisis (4 marks)
The report clearly
identifies the
economic crisis,
and both the
response from the
Central Bank and
its result are
addressed. All
explanations and
arguments are clear
and concise,
supported by data
or reference, with
clear evidence of
The report identifies
the economic crisis,
and both the response
from the Central Bank
and its result are
addressed. Overall,
most explanations and
arguments are good,
and supported by data
or reference, with
evidence of research.
However, there are
minor weak, or missing
The report identifies
the economic crisis,
and both the response
from the Central Bank
and its result are mostly
addressed. However,
many explanations and
arguments are flawed,
or missing evidence
support, via either
articles or data
The report does not
clearly identify the
economic crisis, or
either the response
from the Central Bank
and the result are not,
or inadequately
addressed. Otherwise,
most arguments are
very flawed and do not
have evidence support
No attempt shown
Evaluation of the Central Bank’s response (10 marks)
Evaluation (4 marks) Excellent
evaluation of the
Central Bank’s
response, with both
the merits and
demerits of its
response addressed
in detail
Satisfactory evaluation
of the Central Bank’s
response, with both the
merits and demerits of
its response given and
Basic evaluation of the
Central Bank’s
response, with both the
merits and demerits of
its response given, but
not, or only weakly