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COMP3311 Assignment 2
SQL Data Database Systems Last updated: Friday 5th April 2:39am Most recent changes are shown in red ... older changes are shown in brown. [Assignment Spec] [SQL Schema] [SQL Data] [Examples] [Testing] [Fixes+Updates] The provided Dump File contains the pkmon schema and data. So you do not need to load the Schema File into the database before loading the Dump File. SQL Dump File Download Dump File Copy the SQL Dump File We do not recommend that you copy the dump file to your own directory for this assignment. The dump file is over 22MB in size and will take up a sizable amount of your disk quota. For easy access to the dump file you may create a symbolic link to the dump file in the assignment directory. Download above or copy the SQL Dump File by running the command below. Loading the SQL Dump File To load the SQL Dump File into the database, run the commands below. # Only run this first command if you downloaded the .gz file # If you used the `ln -s` command, then you can skip this com $ gunzip pkmon.dump.sql.gz # Remove an old database if it exists # WARNING: This will delete all Views and Functions loaded in $ dropdb --if-exists pkmon # Create a new database $ createdb pkmon # Load the SQL Dump File into the database $ psql pkmon -f pkmon.dump.sql ... lots of output (SET, CREATE, ALTER, ...) # You can now access the database, run queries, create views, $ psql pkmon Database Summery 18/04/2024, 15:11 COMP3311 24T1 - Assignment 2 We have provided a function pre-defined in the database called dbpop than can be used to get a summery of the database. To make sure your database is loaded correctly, try run the command below.