BEX 3000 - Professional Development for Business
Creation date:2024-06-14 18:00:17
Professional Development for Business
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BEX 3000 - Professional Development for Business
Value The reflection accounts for 20% of your total marks for the unit.
task purpose
Reflect on what you think are your two key strengths and two key weaknesses in
terms of moving into graduate employment.
1. Demonstrate critical reflective thinking with respect to the development
and application of professional practice
Reflect on what you think are your two key strengths and two key weaknesses in
terms of moving into graduate employment. In your answer, refer critically to the
results of your MBTI and Belbin profiles.
Word Limit &
Your 1000-word reflection should be double spaced in 12pt font, and submitted as
either a Word Document of PDF.
Due Date Friday 11.55PM in Week 7
Submission ● Via Moodle Assignment Submission.
● Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all submissions.
You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate the following:
- Develop critical reflective thinking
- Apply of critical reflective thinking
- Produce professional communication
Late Penalties ● 10% deduction per calendar day or part thereof for up to one week
● Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a
mark of zero (0) and may not receive assessment feedback
Feedback Feedback will be provided on student work via:
● general cohort performance
● specific student feedback ten working days post submission
The purpose of the reflections in BEX3000 is for you to start developing an awareness of your professional
growth, and your personal growth as it applies to the professional content. Watch this video of Simon Sinek as he
explains how reflection informs personal growth. You’ll note that a part of reflecting is learning to show an
awareness of how you participate, navigate, engage, interact, react, think, respond, feel etc. as you navigate a
task. It is being aware of your strengths and also your limitations and weaknesses.
Mastering the skill of self-reflection allows for you to identify where your strengths lie, and so when a project or
task is offered you can confidently accept it and use it to highlight how you are an asset to your team and
company. Likewise, in identifying your weaknesses, you can start to take steps to strengthen your skills or
knowledge in that area, and eventually either turn that weakness into a strength, or learn how you can easily
navigate around that weakness so as to successfully complete your task.
At points throughout the unit, you will be asked to reflect on how you navigated a task or activity. You’ll be offered
some questions or statements to guide you. You should also do this at other points in the unit when you realise
how your behaviour, manner, tone, feelings, approach etc. is potentially impacting the outcome. For example, if
you are working in a group, and one team member seems to be disagreeing with you on everything, do you
become so annoyed at that person that you focus on them and their behaviour and thus disengage in the task?
Reflect on this. What term matches your behaviour in this situation? Emotional? Distracted? Frustrated? Were
you offended because you thought that person was being critical, or closed minded, or something else?
Now, look at the situation in light of the personality tests you have completed. Which Belbin team role does it
match? Is that the same Belbin team role that your questionnaire gave you? What MBTI personality type does it
match? Is that the one you were assigned? If they are the same, what does this mean? If they are different what
does this mean?
This reflection is for you to express the ways in which you are beginning to understand yourself. You’ll provide
concrete examples as evidence to support your reflections, which need to be insightful. Think about how you, via
your personality, work style etc, will impact your work life.
You can set out your reflection in any way that makes sense and flows for what you have come to understand
about yourself. You might start with your weakness and detail them one at a time. Alternatively, if they are
connected they might be written about together. Or it might be a combination of together and separate.
Learning Objectives & Criteria HD (80-100%)
Demonstration of extended
knowledge, skills and attributes at
an exceptional level, showing
fluency, originality and integration
of concepts
D (70-79%)
Demonstration of extended
knowledge, skills and attributes at a
superior level, showing fluency and
emerging originality and integration
of concepts.