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MATH 3640 – Assignment 8
Show your work! Upload your file into HuskyCT: Excel, pdf, Word, pdf of a picture of your hand-written, etc. If you’re having uploading issues, just email it to me (on time…) 1) (1 point) List two shortcomings of univariate methods. 2) (3 points) Fully describe why the adoption of multivariate methods has been increasing in the most recent decades. 3) (2 points) Briefly describe… i. Why the Tweedie error distribution is often used to model Pure Premium. ii. Why a log-link (i.e. “log-transformed”) function is used for GLMs when creating and updating class plans. 4) (0.5 points) Which error distribution is often used to model frequency in a GLM? 5) (0.5 points) Which error distribution is often used to model severity in a GLM? 6) (3 points) Given the following GLM output, provide two suggestions to improve the model for this variable, given no operational or regulatory constraints.