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BANASD604 Artificial Intelligence and Its Responsible Use in Business. Assessment Task Development Project. Individual/Group Individual. Length Completion of application development and recorded presentation. Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Evaluate and develop Artificial Intelligence technologies and applications in organisations. c) Apply Artificial Intelligence to improve business performance and address social challenges. Submission Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8). Weighting 40%. Total Marks 100 marks Assessment Task This assessment comprises two (2) parts. In Part A, you will create a chatbot to improve business performance. In Part B, you will produce a presentation explaining your development process. Please refer to the Instructions section for details on how to complete this task. Context User-friendly tools are emerging that facilitate the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies without requiring programming. Such tools can help create a chatbot which uses AI (specifically, natural language processing) to simulate conversation with end-users via a platform such as a website or messaging device. In Part A of this assessment, you will gain hands-on experience in developing a chatbot. Specifically, you will use the freely available Microsoft conversational AI tools to build a fully-functional chatbot and provide evidence showcasing its development and operationalisation. In Part B, you will showcase your chatbot (developed in Part A) and demonstrate your knowledge of its benefits and limitations. Your presentation should focus on the underlying technology, and on comparing BANASD604_Assessment_2_Brief_Presentation_Module Due4.2 Page 2 of 9 chatbots with other AI solutions. Understanding the underlying AI technology and how well it supports business and social objectives is important. AI comprises a diverse range of technologies that are transforming business and social contexts. Thus, each specific AI technology must be positioned to responsibly solve business and social problems. Instructions The assessment task consists of two (2) parts: 1. Part A – Develop a chatbot using Microsoft Power Virtual Agent. 2. Part B – Record a Presentation (5 to 7 minutes) with the chatbot. To complete this assessment successfully, you must follow the instructions below: Part A: Develop a chatbot. You will develop a chatbot using Microsoft Power Virtual Agents. • Create a Microsoft Power Virtual Agents account. - Note: the free trial lasts 60 days, and your bot will continue working for up to 90 days after the trial period ends. • Follow the instructions on the Microsoft website below to develop your chatbot. Part B: Record an Online Presentation demonstrating your chatbot (5-7 minutes) You will record a 5 to 7-minute video presentation using PowerPoint slides and a chosen recording device to summarise and explain the chatbot you have built. You are required to evaluate the business context for chatbots, technologies used to build chatbots, and chatbot benefits and limitations. Using this evaluation, you will reflect on your chatbot and recommend overcoming identified limitations. The target audience of your presentation is analytics professionals. Thus, technical details should be avoided, with a preference for relevancy and concision. Include 6-10 slides (excluding the Appendix) in your PowerPoint presentation, structured as follows: a) Title: - Include course ID and name, student ID, email and name, facilitator name and date of submission. b) Demonstration of chatbot: - Define the business purpose of your chatbot. - Present a dialogue flow diagram that documents possible chatbot interactions using a drawing tool such as Microsoft Visio or Word. Consider the elements that will be included in conversations between your chatbot and users, such as greeting, asking, informing and checking. When documenting this conversation scenario, consider users and their journey, along with the business context of the chatbot. BANASD604_Assessment_2_Brief_Presentation_Module Due4.2 Page 3 of 9 - Demonstrate key design features and development steps of the chatbot, such as examples of entities, intents, and utterances. - Justify how your chatbot performs as an Artificial Intelligence application (e.g., the Turing test). c) Application of Artificial Intelligence: - Evaluate the usefulness of Artificial Intelligence technologies in relation to chatbots and future opportunities for businesses and governments to explore. ▪ In your response, consider the application of machine learning, natural language processing, and other specific features like large language models to chatbots. - Identify limitations and ethical considerations associated with chatbots. Link them to the chatbot you developed and recommend mitigation strategies. d) Conclusion - Summarise your findings. Do not include new information. e) References - List references used in APA 7th style guidelines. f) Appendix: - Include visual evidence documenting the chatbot you have built and how it functions. Specifically, you must show video evidence and screenshots of you demonstrating the chatbot that you have built. In the appendix, include evidence of the training process by showing how unrecognised intents and/or misclassified entities were resolved. In your presentations, you should consider the following points: • Introduce yourself. • Ensure that your face and the computer screen are visible in the recording. • Present your slides in a clear and logical sequence. • Make sure your slides are professionally developed and referenced using APA style guidelines where appropriate. • Use visualisations or diagrams as appropriate. • Engage with the camera. • Talk clearly and fluently. • Use in-text citations on slides where necessary. Referencing It is essential that you use current APA style for citing and referencing the sources that you use. Please see more information on citing and referencing guidelines on the Academic Skills webpage. Submission Instructions Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu BANASD604: Artificial Intelligence and its Responsible Use in Business. Your submission will consist of three files: BANASD604_Assessment_2_Brief_Presentation_Module Due4.2 Page 4 of 9 1. The pre-recorded presentation in a low-resolution video format in a compressed file under 100Mb. 2. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation slides in PDF format. 3. To verify the work you have completed on your bot, it is important that you submit a Zip file that incorporates the solution. For instructions on exporting a bot to another environment, review the information and video resource on the Microsoft website. Please note during the submission process: If you would like to include a second file in your submission, once your first item has been uploaded, click ‘Browse Your Computer’ to attach your extra documents as an appendix. Then click Final Submit button. Unless you follow this last step, your submission will not upload. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Academic Integrity All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own, is academically written and appropriately referenced following the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic integrity policy and procedures and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are available online. Students must also keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts. Special Consideration To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment task or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.