MKTG3506 Digital Marketing and Social Media
Creation date:2024-06-14 14:45:08
Digital Marketing and Social Media
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SEO Content Audit
Assessment 1 Guidelines
MKTG3506 Digital Marketing and Social Media
• Students will conduct a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Content Audit to assess the existing website
content for a given client (a.k.a. "The Client"). You must determine how you can get more and better
quality organic traffic for the client.
• Students must identify one content gap and the best keywords and/or keyword phrases to be used in
order to optimize, redesign, and rewrite the content for a given client landing page.
• All optimization decisions will need to be justified. The report should show an understanding of SEO.
As per UQ Assessment Policy, all submissions must be written in English.
Task instructions
The report should include the following sections
1. Title/Cover page (Student name, Student ID, Tutor name, Tutorial day and time)
2. Provide a brief Business and Market Overview
3. Understanding of the Target Audience
4. Identification of one key content gap (with commercial relevance) and provide a justification;
5. Identify the best combinations of keywords (primary & secondary) to be used and why. You should
include a detailed justification based on your Keyword analysis
6. Optimize, redesign, and rewrite the content for a given client landing page.
Landing Page for Assessment 1
Identify the Content Gap and Primary Keywords
Here are some questions you can ask yourself when doing an SEO Content Gap Analysis
• What do SEO practitioners need to know to inform their content strategy?
• What is the task of the SEO practitioner when carrying out a content gap analysis?
• Who is the target audience you want to reach/communicate with?
• What does the store/brand offer as a business that inherently answers certain types of user intent
to a high level? That is,
- Is the brand/service a real-world shop/centre that people can visit?
- Does it have certain categories of services that users are searching for?
- Does it have hard-to-find brands or services that users are searching for?
• Which key insights can you derive from these questions?
Identify the content gap and justify with keyword analysis
1. Students will receive a data file that includes all keywords that Goodstart early
Learning ranks for and all keywords that Guardian rank for.
2. Students cannot use a different data set.
3. This keyword ranking data comes from, an SEO tool which tracks ranking
performance and other important SEO metrics.
4. Please note that you do not need to submit the Excel spreadsheet with your Keyword
analysis. But tables and screenshots of your Excel analysis can be included in the report
as a way to elucidate how you were able to arrive at the choice of keywords.
5. Students must briefly justify why they choose the primary keywords and link with the key
insights found in the Content Gap Analysis.
Understanding the data provided
The columns translate as the following:
Keyword = The search term used in Google
Volume = Number of monthly searches for the keyword in Google (average of previous 12-month's search
KD = Keyword Difficulty, a proprietary metric by Ahrefs aimed at indicating how difficult it would be to rank for
the keyword based on the competition (this should be taken with a large grain of salt).
CPC = Cost Per Click, how much you would pay to get a click for this keyword if you were using Google Ads
Traffic = The estimated amount of traffic the website in question is getting from this keyword
Current position = The current ranking of the website for the keyword
Current URL = The URL of the page that's ranking for the website
Landing Page
Your job is not simply to add the keyword into the content.
While that can do wonders in helping the page rank high in a given keyword, as
part of this assessment you will need to think more holistic about the page.
Think about how content is presented, how it is written, and feel free to add
relevant content/sections to this page.
Landing Page basic knowledge
Background knowledge:
Headers (h1, h2, h3 etc): In html, there are normally 1 to 6 headers
(titles) defined where h1 is the main, most important, heading on
the page (normally the largest font size) and h6 is the least
important heading. Google looks at headers as important areas
from which to understand the topic of a page, so they are
important locations for keywords.
Body content: Normal paragraph content.
Primary vs secondary keywords: Your primary keyword is the main
keyword of the page, the one you are trying to rank for most, also
the core topic of the page. Secondary keywords are usually sub-
topics, synonyms of the main keyword or other highly related