Data Structures and Algorithms
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Week 7 Practical
Graph Algorithms
Data Structures and
1. (Digraphs)
Write a program popularityRank.c that
builds a directed graph from user input:
1. first, the user is prompted for the number of vertices
2. then, the user is repeatedly asked to input an egde by entering
a "from" vertex followed by a "to" vertex
3. until any non-numeric character(s) are entered
You should use scanf to read the input and check the return value to
determine whether an int was successfully read.
ranks all the nodes according to their popularity, where the popularity
of a vertex v is defined by the following formula:
popularityRank(v) = inDegree(v) / outDegree(v)
(if outDegree(v) is zero, replace it by 0.5)
outputs the nodes and their popularity rating rounded to 1 decimal
place, from most popular to least popular. Nodes that rank equally
should be printed in their natural (increasing) order.
Your program should use the Weighted Graph ADT (WGraph.h, WGraph.c)
from the lecture. Do not change the header file or the ADT implementation.
1. You cannot use the standard Graph ADT since this assumes
undirected edges.
2. You can use a modified version of the sorting algorithm (inssort.c)
from Week 1 if you wish.
An example of the program executing is shown below. The input is the
directed graph in Exercise 2b from the Week 5 Tutorial.
Enter the number of vertices: 6
Enter an edge (from): 0
Enter an edge (to): 1
Enter an edge (from): 1
Enter an edge (to): 5
Enter an edge (from): 3
Enter an edge (to): 5
Enter an edge (from): 5
Enter an edge (to): 0
Enter an edge (from): 5
Enter an edge (to): 2
Enter an edge (from): 5
Enter an edge (to): 3
Enter an edge (from): 5
Enter an edge (to): 4
Enter an edge (from): 5
Enter an edge (to): 1
Enter an edge (from): done
Popularity ranking:
1 2.0
2 2.0
4 2.0
0 1.0
3 1.0
5 0.4
We have created a script that can automatically test your program. To run this
test you can execute the dryrun program that corresponds to this exercise. It
expects to find a file named popularityRank.c in the current directory. You
can use dryrun as follows:
9024 dryrun popularityRank
3. (Dijkstra's algorithm)
Download the implementation of a Priority Queue ADO (PQueue.h,
PQueue.c). The ADO implements a single priority queue for up to 1000
elements for Dijkstra's algorithm. The queue is represented by a global
variable PQueue of the following structure:
#define MAX_NODES 1000
typedef struct {
int item[MAX_NODES]; // array of vertices currently in
int length; // #values currently stored in
item[] array
} PQueueT;
static PQueueT PQueue; // defines the Priority Queue
5. It is assumed that vertices are stored in the
item[] array in the priority queue in no particular
order. Rather, the item[] array acts like a set,
and the priority is determined by reference to a
priority[0..nV-1] array.
The Priority Queue ADO provides
implementations of the following functions:
void PQueueInit(); // set up empty
priority queue
void joinPQueue(Vertex v); // insert vertex v
into priority queue
// no effect if v is
already in the queue
Vertex leavePQueue(int priority[]); // remove the highest
priority vertex from the priority queue
// remember: highest
priority = lowest value priority[v]
// returns the
removed vertex
bool PQueueIsEmpty(); // check if the
priority queue is empty
Next, download and complete the incomplete implementation dijkstra.c of
Dijkstra's algorithm that uses the priority queue ADO and the Weighted Graph
ADT (WGraph.h, WGraph.c) from the lecture. The program:
1. prompts the user for the number of nodes in a graph,
2. prompts the user for a source node,
3. builds a weighted undirected graph from user input (adds every input
edge in both directions),
4. uses the priority queue ADO to compute and output the distance and
a shortest path from the source to every vertex of the graph (needs to
be implemented).
As with the previous exercise, you should use scanf to read the input and
check the return value to determine whether an int was successfully read.
An example of the program executing is shown below. The input graph
consists of a simple triangle along with a fourth, disconnected node.
Enter the number of vertices: 4
Enter the source node: 0
Enter an edge (from): 0
Enter an edge (to): 1
Enter the weight: 42
Enter an edge (from): 0
Enter an edge (to): 2
Enter the weight: 25
Enter an edge (from): 1
Enter an edge (to): 2
Enter the weight: 14
Enter an edge (from): done
0: distance = 0, shortest path: 0
1: distance = 39, shortest path: 0-2-1
2: distance = 25, shortest path: 0-2
3: no path
Note that any non-numeric data can be used to 'finish' the interaction.
To test your program you can execute the dryrun program that corresponds
to this exercise. It expects to find a file named dijkstra.c in the current
directory. You can use dryrun as follows:
9024 dryrun dijkstra
Note: Please ensure that your output follows exactly the format shown above.
Due Date
Tuesday, 2 April, 11:59:59. Late submissions will not be accepted.
You should submit your files using the following give command:
give cs9024 week7 popularityRank.c dijkstra.c
Alternatively, you can select the option to "Make Submission" at the top of this page
to submit directly through WebCMS3.
Important notes:
Make sure you spell all filenames correctly.
You can run give multiple times. Only your last submission will be marked.
Where you're expected to submit multiple files, ensure they form a single
submission. If you separate them across multiple submissions, each
submission will replace the previous one.
Whether you submit through the command line or WebCMS3, it is your
responsibility to ensure it reports a successful submission. Failure to submit
correctly will not be considered as an excuse.