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submission – please submit as a SINGLE pdf file by email use subject: ELEC 9731-Assignment 2 Late assignments will be penalised at 10% of the max- imum value per day late Question 1 (8 marks). A linear control system is described by the equations x˙(t) = 3.8 0 7aa 3a3 6.0 −5.0 0 4.2 x(t) + −12 −3 u(t), y(t) = −a 2 0 3.1 4.5− a a+ 7.5 3.7 0.8 0 6.5 x(t), where a varies from −∞ to ∞. Determine the range of a for observability. Question 2 (9 marks). Consider the following systems of two linear second order ODEs: z¨1(t) = −z1(t) + az2(t) + u1(t), z¨2(t) = −z2(t) + az1(t)− 2u2(t), where a is some parameter. (i) Re-write this system in a state space form. (ii) For what values of a this system is controllable? (iii) For what values of a this system is controllable from u1 alone? (iv) For what values of a this system is controllable from u2 alone? (v) If the controls are constrained to be equal, u1 = u2, for what values of a this system is controllable? (vi) Find the transfer function from u to z = ( z1 z2 ) . Hence find the the Smith- McMillan form. Question 3 (8 marks). The characteristic polynomial of a control system is the following uncertain polynomial: s3 + a2s 2 + a1s+ 1.2 where a1 ∈ [1, K], a2 ∈ [1, K] and a1+a2 ≥ 2.3 and K is a parameter such that K ∈ [1,∞). For what values of K is this uncertain polynomial stable?