ISYS90076 - IT Infrastructure for Digital Health
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IT Infrastructure for Digital Health
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ISYS90076 - IT Infrastructure for Digital Health
Minor Report #1:
“PoC1 Computing – Rapid Access to Clinical
(1,250 words on an eHealth infrastructure problem-based scenario)
Aim: to provide students a scenario-based infrastructure related challenge to identify plausible
solutions to real world problems for various demands on digital health infrastructure.
Outcome: A 1,250 word individual report - 25 marks total.
Provide a Bibliography of at least 10 sources of information that you used to write this report (not
included in word count) (APA 6/7 Style). In this bibliography star (*) the top 3 sources you used in
writing the report and briefly note why each one was especially useful.
Clearly state the number of words that are in the body of the report.
NB: Make plausible assumptions as required and note in an Appendix – This, and any tables,
diagrams, bibliography and comments are excluded from word count.
Topic: “PoC Computing – Rapid Access to Clinical Information”
Problem Scenario: Metro Health is one of Victoria’s leading public hospitals. With around 500 beds
and a staff of 10,000 employees, it aims to provide highest quality patient care. The recent strategic
plan lists technology as a major enabler in further improving patient outcomes. A key focus of the
strategic plan is also to improve the mobility of clinicians and therefore their productivity.
Clinicians at Metro Health perform a variety of day to day clinical/administrative tasks digitally, which
include accessing and updating the EMR at the point of care, documenting clinical notes, order entry
(Pathology and Radiology diagnostic requests), results review and communication with other staff.
Presently, clinicians are frustrated by poor/slow access to Clinical Information Systems within the
hospital campus - which the hospital now aims to improve.
It can take 3-5 precious minutes to log on uniquely, so passwords are mostly shared or generic. PC’s
are often left logged on by the last user for ease of quick access. Many doctors & other clinicians are
highly mobile and can use up to 60 PC’s a day in different locations.
For many activities, clinicians require a full desktop experience e.g. keyboard, mouse and a decent
sized monitor.
1 PoC = Point of Care - Computing at the point where clinicians provide care to patients and assist each other.
UoM ISYS90076 IT infrastructure for eHealth T.Wani & F. Smolenaers
P a g e 2
Task: From our lecture(s), class discussions and your own knowledge/research, write a report
describing your preferred solution to adequately address all the criteria below:
Assessment Criteria:
1. (10 Marks) CHOSEN SOLUTION: A brief description of your preferred authentication and
virtualised roaming desktop solution, providing an overview of the individual components that
make up the solution, and how it meets the problem scenario requirements.
2. (10 Marks) CLINICIAN BENEFITS: Discuss the advantages of using mobile devices at the Point of
Care for Clinicians, especially the impact on the clinician’s workflow and the resultant end
user benefits. E.G. During activities like ward rounds, medicating patients, consulting at the
bedside – does the solution suit all environments such as ICU2, wards, outpatients or
emergency departments?
Submission Date: by 5PM on Thursday 23/03/2022
2 ICU = Intensive Care Unit – highest acuity ward/unit in healthcare.